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Subject: The
Toronto Seaton House Memo: CIA HQ Langley, Virginia Date: November 12th 2009, day after Poppy Day To: CIA HQ Langley, Virginia Subject: the Canadian Poppy I noticed on the 4th floor @Seaton House the CIA on staff +on the floor did *NOT* wear the poppy. The RCMP, Toronto undercover cops+CSIS personnel did. Otherwise, the CIA can pass for a Canadian undercover cop or CSIS person.#00FFFF The undercover cops+intelligence people have way too many clothes. (I know the CIA is big on theatrics, but WHY GO OVER BOARD.) What's with THE CELL PHONES+LAPTOPS? Have CIA agents been told to smoke crack to blend in? (I wonder.) FYI (4your information), 1. the homeless did *NOT* wears poppies 2. the homeless do *NOT* have CELL PHONES+LAPTOPS 3. the homeless pretty much wear what they have day in+day out 4. they doN'T have $$$ to buy BOOZE every night 5. they doN'T look *WELL* fed+alert like the undercover guys who get PAID THE *BIG* BUCKS *pretending* to be homeless. Just thought I'd give U guys A HEADS-UP. :D Robin Hood ~~~ Redistributing the wealth is what's it's about, dude. cuz too few rich guys+ too many poor guys - the latino/USA model - means ECONOMIC MELTDOWN. ~~~ P.S. when you guys do take over Canada, I hope to qualify for a CIA position, but I'm *NOT* a CRACK-HEAD, is that ok? (Ha! Ha!) |