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Subject: "THIS *LATINO* POPE has to say LIBERATION THEOLOGY is THE *NEXT* STEP for the Church", says É(eh)PC President/Party Leader NOTE: there are 2 BILLION PEOPLE who LIVE ON *LESS* than $2 a day. NOTE: we're ONLY TRULY HUMAN when we reach out IN A SPIRIT OF DISIN- TERESTED GENEROSITY NOTE: when it comes to SOCIAL+ECONOMIC JUSTICE, the Church needs to act glo- bally in a "concerted" way NOTE: the Church MUST RECOGNIZE that humanity is ONE BIG, INTERCON- NECTED FAMILY in which WE NEED TO SUPPORT EACH OTHER TO GROW AS "PERSONS" and FOR THE GLOBAL ECONOMY TO PROSPER. NOTE: ISLAM has taught the Catholic Church THE IMPORTANCE OF RELIGIOUS FAITH which lead to the whole Spanish notion of THE HOLY FAITH (in Spanish, LA SANTA FE). AT ITS CORE though is the notion that if we want the THE ALMIGHTY, (ALLAH in Arabic), to bless us, THEN, WE *MUST* BLESS (help) THOSE AROUND US for what Hindus+ Buddhists call GOOD KARMA. THE ISSUE A PASSIVE, *INACTIVE* CHURCH (going no where) - VERSUS - A *MOBILIZED*, SOCIALLY RESPON- SIBLE, *APOSTOLIC* CHURCH ON THE MOVE - GOING FORWARD OUR DEPENDENCE We are dependent on 2 entities: EACH OTHER+ THE ALMIGHTY. MORAL LAW BEHIND OUR BELIEF IN THE ALMIGHTY is MORAL LAW. For the Jews+Christians+Muslims it's THE 10 COM- MANDMENTS given by THE ALMIGHTY to Moses on Mount Sinai. For the Hindus+the Buddhists, it's called "dharma". It runs the world according to them. RESPECT IT and you benefit from GOOD KARMA. GO AGAINST IT and you get BAD KARMA. For the Jews+Christians+Muslim, *RESPECT* THE 10 COMMANDMENTS and THE ALMIGHTY will BLESS YOU. (YOU WILL BE STRONG+ PROSPER). *DoN'T*, YOU SIN according to Jews+Christians: Muslims call sin HARAM. SIN is WHAT *HARMS* A PERSON. ANY HARM DONE is BAD. Therefore, it's obvious that MORAL LAW exists to *PROTECT* PEOPLE FROM HARM. WHAT IS CONSIDERED AS *REALLY* BAD (espe- cially in Islam) is *STEALING*. *STEALING* is THE ROOT of SOCIAL+ECONOMIC INJUSTICE that *HURTS* HUMANITY by causing PEOPLE, thePOOR, to live LIVES WITHOUT DIG- NITY - *ROBBING* THEM, thePOOR, OF "THEIR" FAIR SHARE OF THE PIE. CROOKS "falsely" believe that they have *IMMUNITY* when it comes to respecting MORAL LAW. THEY *DON'T*! *MUST* SHOW CONCERN The Church *MUST* SHOW CONCERN for the POOR who are "entitled" to DECENT HOUSING+FOOD SE- CURITY+ADEQUATE HEALTH CARE+more impor- tantly, INCOME SECURITY. A TRUISM: DEMOCRACY, A *MUST* TODAY! There can be no social+economic justice without 100% FINANCIALLY TRANSPARENT DEMOCRA- CY whose "SPENDING DETAILS" CAN BE MONI- TORED ONLINE as they happen by thePEOPLE. TODAY'S CONTEXT In TODAY'S CONTEXT, we *NOW* KNOW... 1. OVERPOPULATION is *NOT* THE PROBLEM (Someone should tell the KKK FREEMASONS that run the USA that have created a $650 BILLION a-year WAR MACHINE to reduce the world population+make $$$ at the same time creating A *CRIPLING* PUBLIC DEBT.) 2. the #1 PUBLIC ENEMY is POVERTY+ the #2 PUBLIC ENEMY is LOW WAGES 3. with GOOD ECONOMIC PLANNING+ DEVELOPMENT with THE BENEFIT OF TECHNOLOGY, we *CAN* VERY EASILY ELIMINATE POVERTY: this can be READILY DONE by WEALTH REDISTRIBUTION through THE UNI- TED NATIONS which is THE *MAIN* REASON we need to make THE UNI- TED NATIONS work. This will END THE SOCIAL DISTRESS of POVERTY+WAR+TERRORISM+pro- vide LASTING PEACE+LONGTERM PROSPERITY thanks to A STRONG GLOBAL ECONOMY. MUST BE A *FIGHTING* CHURCH IF the Church does *NOT* SERIOUSLY TRY to get rid of poverty at a time when we can, the Church *RISKS* in the words of Bishop Oscar Romero (gunned down by a CIA-directed DEATH SQUAD) *LOSING* GOD. FOR THAT REASON, the Church *NEEDS* TO FIGHT FOR ITS LIFE by FIGHTING for SOCIAL+ECONOMIC JUSTICE (which the Latinos call "LA LUCHA SANTA (the holy struggle)" which is AT THE CORE OF LA- TINO CULTURE. *NOT* ENGAGED CATHOLICISM MUST BE *ENGAGED* in *DENOUNCING* (social+economic) INJUS- TICE for it to become FULLY ALIVE. RIGHT NOW, it's *DISENGAGED* - sitting on the sidelines, going along with THE STATUS QUO. THE HUMAN REALITY AS HUMAN BEINGS we have a natural, self- evident responsibility for each others well- being: embracing that responsibility makes us TRULY HUMAN because we're IN FACT, INTERDEPENDENT+INTERCONNECTED with each other for the sake of our IDENT- ITY, for the sake of our FULFILLMENT, for the sake of our HAPPINESS. *THAT* IN ESSENCE is THE HUMAN REAL- ITY: THE HUMAN EXPERIENCE is meant to be A "LIFE-SHARING" EXPERIENCE. INERTIA is holding the Church back. Christ is CALLING the Church TO ACT! THE *CONTRADICTION* of the Catholic Church. BECAUSE WE CAN! We MUST eliminate poverty because TODAY we now know WITH THE BENEFIT OF TECH- NOLOGY+with GOOD ECONOMIC PLANNING+ DEVELOPMENT, we CAN! The way to do this is through the United Nations which is THE MAIN REASON we *NEED* to make the United Nations work. To do so, WE HAVE TO GET RID OF (social+ economic) INJUSTICE. Note: theÉ(eh)PC wants countries to "drastically" *REDUCE* reduce their military budgets by AT LEAST 2/3s giving the 2/3s to the U.N. to RE- DISTRIBUTE the money where it's needed. Note: theÉ(eh)PC wants ALL COUN- TRIES to contribute to ONE UNITED NATIONS MILITARY FORCE. FASCIST Police State *INEQUALITY* THE *CENTRAL* PROBLEM with Police state FASCISM is that it *DOESN'T* REDISTRIBUTE THE WEALTH: this creates HAVES+HAVE-NOTS. It allows THE HAVES, THE *CROOKED* FEW, those that HAVE THE POWER, to *STEAL* from THE MAJORITY who are thePOOR. GIVEN SUCH AN *UNFAIR* ARRANGEMENT, a FASCIST Police state canNOT be A SOCIETY OF EQUALS, but more A MASTER-SALVE SOCIETY. Police State FASCISM: EVIL! When CROOKS run government IN SECRET for *THEIR* OWN BENEFIT+for THE BENEFIT of theRICH (the FINANCIALLY POWERFUL) who EXPLOIT THE MAJORITY of thePEOPLE. This makes for invariably *CROOKED* FASCIST Police states. SHAMEFULLY, Catholic countries are *NOTO- RIOUS* for being just that, *CROOKED* FASCIST Police states. IRONICALLY, THE POPE is the "unofficial" BOSS of these countries. SO, WHO's to BLAME? THE POPE! THE POPE+FASCISM THE TIME HAS COME for the POPE FRANCIS to "formally" recognize Police state FASCISM as being INHERENTLY CROOKED+consequently, EVIL. It's EVIL because it EXPLOITS THE MAJORITY of thePEOPLE transforming the state into A QUASI LABOUR CAMP like the USA, THE RICHEST COUN- TRY, where THE MINIMUM HOURLY WAGE is $7.25. ($7.25 is *NOT* A LIVING WAGE.: it's a wage that *ROBS* thePOOR OF THEIR FAIR SHARE OF THE PIE.) THE FUTURE: EQUALITY+JUSTICE In the future, we will be leading a "more" interdependent community-minded existence WITHIN THE *CONTEXT* of A SHARING ECONOMY with A HIGHER DEGREE OF SOCIAL+ECONOMIC EQUALITY than we have today. We will be living in a society where there is SOCIAL+ ECONOMIC JUSTICE because THAT IS THE FUTURE. FOR THAT TO HAPPEN SOONER RATHER THAN LATER, the Church (in order TO BE RELEVANT) MUST *FULLY* ENGAGE itself IN THE FIGHT for SOCIAL+ECONOMIC JUSTICE. THE CHURCH HAS NO OTHER CHOICE. IN WHAT DIRECTION? THE QUESTION for the Church is DIRECTION. IN WHICH DIRECTION should the Church go. Does RECENT POST-VATICAN II HISTORY provide us with a CLEAR+UNAMBIGUOUS ANSWER? YES! THE ANSWER comes from LATIN AMERICA'S HISTORY OF OPPRESSION of thePEOPLE in terms of THE FIGHT FOR SOCIAL+ECONOMIC JUSTICE ("LA LUCHA *SANTA* POR LA JUSTI- CIA SOCIAL Y ECONÓMICA") in the form of BA- SIC COMMUNITIES who organize themselves the best they can to oppose SOCIAL+ECONO- MIC INJUSTICE that *ROBS* THEM OF THEIR DIGNITY+A DECENT LIFE *THEIR* THEOLOGY that "justifies" THE ACTION THEY TAKE is LIBERATION THEOLOGY. THE SIN OF *INACTION* The Church is ACTING IMMORALLY by *NOT* ACTING in terms of SOCIAL+ECONOMIC JUS- TICE. HOW ARE THE FAITHFUL to understand THE EXHORTATION AT THE END OF the celebration of THE EUCHARIST "GO to love and serve the Lord." when *NO* CONTEXT is given: THIS REN- DERS THE EXHORTATION *MEANINGLESS*. In the CONTEXT OF LIBERATION THEOLOGY, THE FAITHFUL WILL UNDERSTAND that they are being CALLED TO RESPOND TO (social+ economic) INJUSTICE around them to the extent they can. Clearly, for THE ALMIGHTY TO *SHINE* THROUGH THE CHURCH, it *MUST* EMBRACE LIBERATION THEOLOGY. THE HORROR THE HORROR behind THE EXPLOITATION OF CATHOLICS in Catholic countries is *BOTH* THE VATICAN+THE POPES KNEW+DID NOTHING to stop it. NOTHING! THE CHURCH HAS AMBASSADORS called "nun- cios" in Catholic countries who are THE HEAD OF THE DIPLOMATIC CORP+"pronuncios" in all other countries like Canada. THE CHURCH even HAS an AMBASSADOR at THE UNITED NATIONS. PLUS, countries around the world have AMBASSA- DORS posted at the Vatican. IN ADDITION, the bishops of each country visit the Vatican every 4 years. THE END RESULT is THE VATICAN is VERY WELL INFORMED. SO, WHEN IT COMES TO THE EXPLOITATION OF thePOOR CATHOLICS IN CATHOLIC COUNTRIES, the Church is NOT IGNORANT NOR ILL-INFORMED. THAT'S THE HORROR. THE CHURCH has NOT COMMITTED THE SIN OF OMISSION, but SOMETHING MUCH, MUCH, WORSE, THE SIN OF *INACTION* that "ROBS" thePOOR CATH- OLICS OF THEIR DIGNITY. THIS INACTION *KILLED* CATHOLICS (reporters, pro- democracy+union leaders) because they FOUGHT FOR SOCIAL+ECONOMIC JUSTICE, KILLED BY CIA-SPON- SORED DEATH SQUADS as part of THE TERRORIST PROGRAMME BY THE USA in Latin America. (THEY NEED TO BE ACKNOWLEDGED AS *MARTYRS* OF THE CHURCH, THE MOST FAMOUS of them being Bishop Oscar Romero because they "knew" they were risking their life for the sake of SOCIAL+ECONOMIC JUSTICE: it was A CONSCIOUS+hence, HEROIC DE- CISION on their part to have done what they did.) This is really THE HORROR of TODAY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH: being TOTALLY INFORMED you would expect it to be MUCH MORE INVOLVED, MORE EN- GAGED in world affairs than it actually is. The Church CANNOT, MUST *NOT*, SIT BY PAS- SIVELY on the sidelines "accepting"+BEING A PAR- TY to SOCIAL+ECONOMIC INJUSTICE due to the FASCIST Police state EXPLOITATION of thePEOPLE who are Catholic in Catholic countries like Mexico. THE HORROR in Mexico For a day's salary, a Mexican will earn $4. Mexico is *NOT* POOR. SLAVE WAGES are *NOT* GOOD for the economy. DOES THE MEXICAN CATHOLIC CHURCH care enough to PROTEST, to DENOUNCE these *SLAVE* WAGES? NO! SUCH IGNOMINY is worth of THE *WRATH* OF THE ALMIGHTY! HAVE THE MEXICANS *NO* ETHICS, *NO* SHAME, *NO* HONOUR? Apparently, NOT! HOW *HOLY* is the MEXICAN CATHOLIC CHURCH? IT'S NOT! ¡QUE DESGRACIA! ¿QUE ESTUPIDEZ ES ESTO? THE HORROR of the USA The MINIMUM HOURLY WAGE in THE RICHEST COUNTRY is SO *LUDICROUSLY* LOW, $7.25. (In some states, it's $6.) HOW CAN a family in the USA SURVIVE ON THAT! Does THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE USA care enough to PROTEST, to DENOUNCE this? APPARENTLY, not! THE USA is A GREED-BASED SOCIETY that wor- ships THE GOLDEN CALF: THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE USA HAS TO ACCEPT IT RESPONSIBILITY for CONTRIBUTING TO THE EXPLOITATION of thePOOR. Its $650 BILLION a year WAR MACHINE "robs" Americans of *FREE* DENTAL+*FREE* MEDICAL. THIS *EVIL* NATION is NOT in the TOP 10 most livable countries, NOR any of its cities are in the TOP 10 most livable cities of the world either: NO SURPRISE THERE. :o) For those earning $7.25 an hour the USA is *NOT* THE LAND OF FREEDOM, but A SLAVE LABOUR CAMP for theRICH especially if they have children to care for. THE AMERICANS HAVE *NO* HUMANITY, *NO* ETHICS, *NO* SHAME, *NO* HONOUR. THE HORROR OF HORRORS is the fact THAT THIS FINANCIAL EXPLOITATION of thePOOR is ACCEPT- ABLE in the eyes of the AMERICAN CATHOLIC CHURCH - "infested" with CIA priests. THE USA hand in hand with the Catholic Church is ON THE ROAD TO PREDICTION. GENOCIDE in Rwanda The Vatican+JOHN-PAUL II were WELL INFORMED 3 YEARS IN ADVANCE OF THE KILLING OF CATHOLICS BY CATHOLICS. WHAT did they do? They "CHOSE* to do NOTHING! NOTHING! (I read about the UPCOMING GENOCIDE in the Winter of 1972 in my introductory book to psychology.) JOHN-PAUL II In short, with JOHN-PAUL II the Church remained STUCK IN THE MUD going NO WHERE, STALLED in her FASCIST DO-NOTHING WAYS at a time when Jesus is calling the Church to MOVE FORWARD by embracing LIBERATION THEOLOGY. Since the Middle Ages, the Church has favoured the FASCIST EXPLOITATION of thePEOPLE in Catholic countries by taking the Medieval Church attitude that those treated unfairly in this world, thePOOR, will be REWARDED WITH PARADISE. This obviously allowed RICH CATHOLICS to "exploit" THE ECONOMICALLY WEAK, thePOOR, by *NOT* PAYING "FAIR" WAGES+BY *NOT* PROVIDING ANY SOCIAL BENEFITS - when possible. This only FED THEIR GREED+MADE THEM *LESS* HUMAN. This was FINE+NORMAL by the Catholic HIERARCHY that came from THE SELF-CENTRED, WELL-TO-DO FASCIST UPPER CLASS FAMILIES who were getting rich by EXPLOITING thePOOR. THIS WAS *TRADITION*: this was the way things were for centuries+centuries even before the arrival of the Spanish in the Americas. CLEARLY, this kind of THOUGHTLESS *MEDIEVAL* THINKING expressed by JOHN-PAUL II on the banks of the Lake of Galilee was ANTIQUATED+OUT OF PLACE+TOTALLY *INCORRECT*. It demonstrated that JOHN-PAUL II was A *RETRO- GRADE* POPE OUT-OF STEP+OUT-OF-TOUCH with the times. It's then *NOT* SURPRISING that JOHN-PAUL II refused to embrace LIBERATION THEOLOGY+ under the orders of the U.S. Gov't ensured that its adherents in Latin America were ineffective in or- der to please the USA so his native Poland could FINANCIALLY BENEFIT from the USA which he later referred to as THE DEAL MADE WITH THE DEVIL. This came to a head on the tarmac when JOHN- PAUL II landed in Nicaragua in 1983 with THE *UPBRAIDING* of Jesuit priest who was a mem- ber of the Gov't, Ernesto Cardenal, an adherent of LIBERATION THEOLOGY. JOHN-PAUL II was AN *UNAPOLOGETIC* FASCIST! JOHN-PAUL II did *NOT* OPPOSE CIA TERRORISM in Latin America which consisted of... 1. teaching the latest torture techniques 2. sponsoring+directing DEATH SQUADS to *KILL* UNION+PRO-DEMOCRACY LEADERS+REPORTERS (including Bishop Oscar Romeo of San Salvador who *OPPOSED* the terrorism) because THEY openly *DENOUNCED* Gov't corruption 3. directing the military in KILLING *EN- TIRE* VILLAGES in San Salvador in- cluding 6 American Catholic nuns Evidently, POOR Catholics SUFFERED GREATLY under JOHN-PAUL II because he was A FASCIST! DIABOLICAL SILENCE For the Catholic Church, thePOOR COUNT... 1. NO SO MUCH? 2. A LITTLE BIT? 3. HARDLY? 4. NOT AT ALL? WE ALL KNOW THE ANSWER to that question by HOW LITTLE THE CHURCH talks about thePOOR. ThePOOR is *NOT* ITS PRIORITY when it should be *THE* PRIORITY. THE WHOLE NOTION OF THE *GOOD* SHEP- HERD is one who *ACTIVELY* LOOKS AFTER *ALL* THE FLOCK, THAT'S THE PASTORAL *DUTY* of the Church. THE CHURCH'S ACTIONS MUST BE GOVERNED BY ITS PASTORAL *DUTY* OF CARING of CARING FOR thePOOR by DECRYING SOCIAL+ECONOMIC INJUSTICE. SO WHY THE SILENCE? THE UGLY TRUTH about the Catholic Church is that it has been *AFRAID* to SPEAK OUT+CON- DEMN FASCIST Police states that allow theRICH to *EXPLOIT* thePEOPLE (after it had been re- stricted to the Vatican following THE UNIFICA- TION OF ITALY which resulted in the Church LO- SING ITS LAND which covered THE MIDDLE OF ITALY). So it's WITH THE GREATEST IRONY that THE VERY *FIRST* THING Pope John Paul II SAID TO THE FAITHFUL was "DON'T BE AFRAID! when he, himself, DID *NOT* DARE TO DE- NOUNCE "vehemently" SOCIAL+ECONOMIC INJUSTICE when it was HIS JOB TO DO SO, but he "knowingly" didN'T! POPE FRANCIS appears to be NO BETTER than John Paul II. BUT YET, POPE FRANCIS "ought" to KNOW BETTER because he comes from Latin America, THE HOME OF LIBERATION THEOLOGY that SEES POVERTY as A SOCIAL SIN, THE,RESULT OF SOCIAL+ECONOMIC INJUSTICE that *HARMS* THE *WELL-BEING* OF SOCIETY. "... institutional complacency. There is no greater danger than this for the Church in the modern world ... ." (Mystics & Zen Masters, p. 280 by Father Thomas Merton, American Trappist priest killed in Thailand by the CIA for his effective anti-Viet- nam War letter-writing campaign to members of Congress) FAIR SHARE EVERYONE is "entitled" to his/her FAIR SHARE OF THE WEALTH in TODAY'S WORLD OF *ABUNDANCE*. Jesus said: "I came so you can have AN ABUNDANT LIFE." (John 10:10) LIBERATION THEOLOGY THE *NEW* CONSENSUS of *ALL* LATINOS, the sensus fidelum, (the "consensus of the faithful" is that THE WAY to go (EL CAMINO) is THE BUILDING OF BASIC CATHOLIC COMMU- NITIES *ROOTED* IN THE SPIRIT OF LIBERATION THEOLOGY, IN THE SPIRIT OF EQUALITY+JUS- TICE (LA LUCHA SANTA: THE HOLY STRUG- GLE, FIGHT). LIBERATION THEOLOGY provides THE *COR- RECT* THINKING+FRAMEWORK for the Church to *VIGOROUSLY* RESPOND in its FIGHT for SOCIAL+ECONOMIC JUSTICE. To get there, THE CHURCH NEEDS TO *REALIGN* ITSELF with LIBERATION THEOLOGY because it has SUCH A GOOD GRASP OF THE *ESSENCE*of the Gospel which wants THE EARTHLY EXPERIENCE OF HUMA- NITY to be A FORETASTE OF PARADISE. AT THE *CORE* of Liberation Theology is THE MORAL *IMPERATIVE* TO ERADICATE (social+ economic) INJUSTICE that SPAWNS THE SOCIAL ILLS of POVERTY+TERRORISM+WAR. *INOPERATIVE* WORDS Pope Francis said: "Find people who live on the fringe of society and identify with them." THESE WORDS are MEANINGLESS without AN ACTION PLAN. "God will *NOT* be mocked." (Galatians 6:7) ACTION PLAN The Church has to have AN ACTION PLAN aimed at ENDING (social+economic) INJUSTICE that SPAWNS POVERTY CREATED BY THE *GREED* OF CROOKS! (Pour la gloire de Dieu+le salut du monde.) (Por la gloria de Dios+la salvación del mundo.) (For the glory of God+the salvation of humanity.) THE END of social+economic INJUSTICE will be SOCIAL SECURITY+PEACE+PROSPERITY: NO MORE WAR, NO MORE TERRORISM. It will have THE ADDED BENEFIT of *RENEW- ING* THE CHURCH, MAKING IT become FULLY *ALIVE*, A *BRIGHT* LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS because it will be *TRULY* LIVING THE GOOD NEWS OF THE GOSPEL by MAKING GOD'S KINGDOM A REALITY on earth. EXCOMMUNICATION TheRICH use THEIR POWER to *HOARD* when TODAY it's *NOT* NECESSARY FOR SURVIVAL+ will cause ECONOMIC COLLAPSE. THEN, EVERYBODY WILL BE POOR. CONSEQUENTLY, the Church *MUST* EXCOM- MUNICATE theRICH CATHOLICS known to ex- ploit thePOOR reminding them of THE SIGNIFI- CANCE of Jesus' gesture of CHASING THE MONEY LENDERS, THE "ungodly" MONEY WORSHIPERS from the Temple. BY EXCOMMUNICATING theRICH CATHOLICS THAT ABUSE THE POOR, the Church WILL BE DOING AN IMPORTANT SERVICE TO HUMANITY. REACHING OUT EVERYONE is *IMPORTANT* - OR - no one is. It's essentially THE DIFFERENCE between BEING CIVILIZED+UNCIVILIZED. According to RELIGIOUS HUMANISM, REACHING OUT to our neighbour (*EXEMPLIFIED* by Abraham, the founder of the Jewish faith which is THE ROOT of Christianity+Islam), *EVERYONE* "is" IM- PORTANT (NOT just those with $$$): this "com- pels us" to *FIGHT* for SOCIAL+ECONOMIC INJUS- TICE. "... if organized religion abdicates it mis- sion to disturb man in the depths of his conscience, ... then it deserves the most serious and uncompromising criticism." (Mystics & Zen Masters, p. 280 by Father Thomas Merton, American Trappist priest killed in Thailand by the CIA for his effective anti-Viet- nam War letter-writing campaign to members of Congress) THE NOTION PERSON THE NOTION PERSON means that A HUMAN BEING IS CREATED IN GOD'S IMAGE WITH AN *IMMORTAL* SOUL the Greeks of antiquity be- lieved in the existence of the SOUL as do HIN- DUS+BUDDHISTS+JEWS+CHRISTIANS+MUS- LIMS) making him/her A SACROSANCT ENTITY *IRREGARDLESS* of his/her POSITION in soci- ety or in the work place, his/her influence, NOR the wealth s/he has. EVERYONE *IS* IMPORTANT! THAT IS WHY GOD BECAME MAN to underline how special humanity, every human being, really is. THE HEART The *QUINTESSENTIAL* archaeological symbol of Christianity is *NOT* the cross NOR the fish, but THE HEART. BEING HAPPY is about HAVING A "caring" HEART because a "caring" HEART does God's work of salvation on earth by *EX- TENDING* A HELPING HAND in order to make the world A HAPPIER PLACE - for ALL! JESUS JESUS, a carpenter, WELCOMED THE POOR WITH OPEN ARMS promising them A NEW WORLD where everyone is concerned for everyone else out of love. HIS WORDS are AN *EMBEDDED* COMMAND of "THE OUR FATHER" PRAYER, ("thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven") A REALITY. THE PROBLEM THE BISHOPS who come from the FASCIST, self- centred (unapostolic) ELITIST UPPER CLASS who REVEL IN THE GOOD LIFE travelling a abroad. They even have cottages in Canada. THEY *HABITUALLY* LOOK DOWN ON thePOOR+ *IGNORE* them: in Latin America, theRICH see the POOR as "WASTED SEMEN". THIS *BRUTAL* VIEW makes them *HEARTLESS*. THESE FAT CATS many of whom look like PREGNANT SOWS) LIVE IN THE LAP OF LUXURY IN PALACES while the poor are *CONFINED* to FAVELAS.,+in+the CHECK OUT THESE *SELF-INDULGENT* BISHOPS LIVING LIKE *ROYALTY*, HOW CAN THE BISHOPS BE SYMPATHETIC to thePOOR? THEY *CAN'T*! SERVING THE POOR The Church must serve THE POOR *POLITICALLY* by striving to end poverty by FIGHTING FOR social+economic JUSTICE INSIS- TING ON A LIVING WAGE for everyone (subsidized by the Gov't if need be) Note: with theÉ(eh)PC, THE MINIMUM HOURLY WAGE will be $20. Note: with theÉ(eh)PC, companies *NOT* offering THE *BEST* WAGES+SOCIAL BENEFITS when possible will be *NA- TIONALIZED*+SOLD to a company who will. A JUST SOCIETY A JUST SOCIETY has 2 *ESSENTIAL* CHARACTERISTICS... 1. SOCIAL+ECONOMIC JUSTICE thanks to a 100% FINANCIALLY TRANSPARENT DEMOCRACY the details of whose spen- ding can be monitored online by thePEOPLE 2. INCOME SECURITY that allows THE JOB- LESS to lead PRODUCTIVE LIVES while enjoying A GOOD QUALITY OF LIFE Note: with theÉ(eh)PC, Canadians will get that. CONCLUSION With SOCIAL+ECONOMIC JUSTICE, *EVERYONE* will be IN A GOOD POSITION to live life to the fullest BY BEING PRODUCTIVE as they will ENJOY A GOOD QUALITY OF LIFE that will allow them to *FULLY* CON- TRIBUTE TO THE GREATER GOOD OF ALL. THE END RESULT IS SOCIAL EQUALITY+PROSPERTIY. Kenneth Selin (say'leen) ~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) "magna cum laude" ~~~ É(eh)PC President/Party Leader ~~~ POWER! 2thePEOPLE [theÉ(eh)PC slogan] ~~~ cost of lifetime membership (for those 16 years of age - or older - living in Canada): $2 ~~~ become an eh-recruiter ~~~ theÉ(eh)PC for *your* share of the pie make it *your*party, *your* biz |