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FASCIST Police state Gov't will shut down this Web site.
(You'll NEVER
Read about it. |
Subject: ", doN'T **BOW DOWN** tothe FASCIST Police stateCENSOR- SHIP of the Gov't of Canadathat's using CIRA to*illegally*shut down, Canada's only ANTI- FASCIST political party Web site", says the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader BACKGROUND INFO
The Problem CIRA says thatI'm required to "update" my Internet fileregarding my Web site (SeeMy Online Internet Registration Filebelow.) If I doN'T, they willtake my .ca Web site name off all the Internet servers. At its Web site,, it's COMPLIANCE policy is *TOTALLY*ARBITRARY: "As part of theRegistrantInformation Validation (RIV) process, CIRA may, from time to time, request docu- mentation to validate aRegistrant'scompliance with its Canadian Presence Requirements." NOTE: they only request documentation to "validate" aRegistrant'scom- pliance"from time to time". See the top of their compliance Web page: My
Online Internet Registration File
NOTE: Easyhosting.comis offeringthe DNS service My online Internet registration file isa DNS file. THEREFORE, it has NOTHING to do with me "directly"(only indirectly). That fileis the responsibility'm *NOT* responsible for that file:*THEY* CREATED the file(with the information I gave them). THEREFORE,it's THE RESPONSIBILITY of Easy- hostingto ensure that the information was up-to-date which was NEVER DONE, NOR did they ever ask since I've had my Web site with themever since March 2007and have JUST PAID to keep my domain name till March 2016. In effect,I've *RENTED* the domain name: it's*NOT* mine. Here's my fileat Domain name: Domain status: registered Creation date: 2007/03/30 Expiry date: 2016/03/30 Updated date: 2012/05/16 Registrar: Name: Co. Number: 156 Registrant: Name: K+ Administrative contact: Name: Kenneth Selin Postal address: 704-125 Stewart St. Ottawa ON K1N 6J3 Canada Phone: 613-565-0330 Fax: Email: Technical contact: Name: Network Admin Postal address: 1755 boul. Rene-Levesque Est Montreal QC H2K 4P6 Canada Phone: +1.8003565665 Fax: +1.9056933646 Email: Name servers: The Snag
NOTE: the Registrantis*NOT* me, Kenneth Selin (say'leen), É(eh)PC President/Party Leader. The Registrantis myISP (Internet Service Provider),, who used to register my domain name: it'sa Tucows "reseller". "The Registrantis the licensee of the domain name - this is the individual or company who has the right to use, sell or destroy a domain name." NOTE: the domain name registrar, *NOT* me. "A domain name registrar is an organization or com- mercial entity that manages the reservation of Internet domain names." The definitionof "registrant" isa person who registers. The CONFUSION
here's THE CONFUSION that can result.The word "registrant" it can be applied to BOTH the one who does the registering, (through Tucows) andthe person being registered, me, Kenneth Selin (say'leen), É(eh)PC President, Party Leader according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary definition: "a registrant" is one that registers or is registered. The Discover dictionary usedthe same definitionof the word "registrant" as does the Merriam-Webster dictionary. However, we have to go with the first definition given bythe Internet Name Registeras they're the experts when it comes to Internet definitions. THEREFORE, the correct definitionof the word "re- gistrant" is the following: "The Registrantis the licensee of the domain name - this is the individual or company who has the right to use, sell or destroy a domain name." NOTE: PROOFthat the licensee isEasyhosting.comand *NOT* meis THE FACT that I'm using*THEIR* SERVERS(*NOT* mine) andthe technical contact for my Web site is*NOT* me, (I'm refering tomy DSN Internet file up above.) NOTE: the "licensee" is*NOT* me. I'm *NOT* the one that is licensed:the "licensee" is TWO
(2) *Stupid* THINGS
Mona from
Easyhosting Billinghad no business giving me a user name and password to me to make the changes to my DSN Internet file at http://manage.opensrs.netthough these changes ought to be made byTHE REGISTRANTwhich, *NOT* me. THAT DOES *NOT* MAKE ANY SENSE - whatsoever! I've had the Web sitesince March 2007: so why give me that user name and password NOW? Besides, AT *NO* TIMEdidEasyhosting.comtell me that I WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR UPDATING the in- formation. -TWO-
is the
registrant,it''s responsibility (and*NOT* that of the CIRA) to contact me regarding to find out if the information is out of date or NOT.and . WhatCIRA didby directly contacting me is FASCIST Police state*HARASSMENT* directed, I suspect, byour FASCIST Police state Gov'trun by Mr. Harper with the full support of ALL POLITICAL PARTIES, of ALL THE MEDIA PEOPLE in TV, radio, and the Press and of ALL THE RELIGIOUS AUTHORITIES of Canada. THAT'SSCARY! NO? And it's *NOT* evenHalloween time. July 26th, 2012
in Billing at Easyhostingto"update" Thursday Afternoon my file so CIRA will NOT delete my .ca namethat I paid for till 2006. She directed me to go to She gave me my username and password so I could make the changes. I went to Admin Contactand to make the changes. The error I get is [420] Object Status Error. In the Dogpile search engine whichI used as a profes- sional PC and Internet troubleshooterthe [420] Object Status Error indicates that the file is GLUED! THEREFORE, *no* changes could be made. July 27th, 2012
explained toMona
in Easyhosting Billingthe
9:45 a.m. having spoke withNicole) what I did. She said I had to go to"Organization Contact"at http://manage.opensrs.netto make the changes. I did andgot the following error. "Failed attempt: Failed to create new registrant contact, Command Syntax Error." 10:30 a.m.
in Easyhosting Billingwho said thatMonawas in contact with CIRAand to call back by 5 p.m. and speak withMona. I asked to call back around 3 p.m. She said that was OK. 10:45 a.m.
I gave the person responsible forthe DNS
Easyhosting Service the requested information today. > On Fri, Jul 27, 2012at 9:29 AM,> wrote: >> >> >> Hello Kenneth, >> >> Thank you for contacting Easy Hosting! >> >> Please provide me with the information to be updated and I will see if I can >> make the changes from here for you. >> >> >> We are available Monday to Saturday (9AM to 5 Pm EST) for additional >> assistance, and invite you to contact us if you have any further questions >> or concerns. >> >> Best Regards, >> >> Line G >> Domain Registration Team >> EasyHosting >> deleted her e-mail >> >> 1-888-390-1210 Option 4 My E-mail
to theEasyHosting Domain Registration Team re: > Please provide me withthe information to be updated First name: Kenneth Family name: Selin Organization: Canadian Citizen Address: 451-339 George St. City: Toronto Country: Canada Postal code: M5A 2N2 Telephone: +1.9053365694 THX! kn 3:15 p.m.
me*my* DNS Internet
fileis "frozen"
because it has been "red flagged". She said she called Tucows and CIRA and isSTILL WAITING to here from CIRA. She told me to call back Monday afternoon to find out what is going on. She saidthe problemis thatmy Web site,, is A POLITICAL WEB SITE*NOT* in compliance with CIRA policyof obliging political parties with the .ca domain name to be registered with Elections Canada. I told her thatthere is*NO* LAWthat prohibits a political party from "legally" existing even though it's NOT YET "officially" recognized by Elections Canada:THERE IS *NO* SUCH LAW. Hence, CIRA policyregarding this matter is justUTTER NON- SENSEbecause it is *NOT* "legally" binding. I explained that in this case we are dealing with FUNDAMENTAL DEMOCRATIC RIGHTS like 1. POLITICAL CHOICE 2. POLITICAL FREEDOM 3. FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION. The Gov't does *NOT* have the right to shut down the Web site ofCanada's ONLY ANTI-FASCIST political party using CIRA that it probably FINANCES 100%. Our FASCIST Police state Gov'tis*INTERFERING*with THE FREEDOM OF THE INTERNET. Shutting down Canada's ONLY ANTI-FASCIST political party by the Gov't using CIRA isFASCIST Police state CENSOR- SHIP: CENSORSHIPis SO, SO WRONG because it'sA *DE- PRAVED* FORM of MIND CONTROL. I ended by tellingMonathat this matter will probably have to be settled in Court and can only harm CIRA and Easyhosting. com while PROMOTING my political party, the É(eh)PC, the Égalité Party of Canada. CIRAJuly 10th 2012E-mail
Premiere Avis de
(First Notification Notice) from: CIRA Compliance to: "Kenneth Selin (" <> cc: "" <> date: Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 3:55 PM subject: Premiere Avis de Validation sur les Informations du Registrant(s) mailed-by: Le 10 Juillet, 2012 Cher(ère) Kenneth Selin, Nous vous remercions d’avoir manifesté votre intérêt pour l’enregistrement d’un nom de domaine .CA. En sa qualité d’organisme sans but lucratif, dirigé par ses membres, qui assure la gestion du registre des noms de domaine .CA du Canada, l’Autorité cana- dienne pour les enregistrements Internet (ACEI) a mis en œuvre un processus de vérification des ren- seignements concernant le titulaire K+ associés, sans y être limité, au nom de domaine et dont lenuméro de titulaireest : r1836508x186. Nous vous demandons de bien vouloir transmettre les renseignements indiqués ci-dessous àconformite @acei.cad’ici le 31 Juillet, 2012 : 1. K+ est le nom légal complet du titulaire. 2. K+ satisfait aux exigences de l’ACEI en matière de présence au Canada appli- cables aux titulaires assets/Documents/French/Legal/Regis- trants/CPR.pdf de la catégorie Parti Politique conformément au choix que vous avez fait au moment de l’enre- gistrement. 3. Kenneth Selin est le nom légal complet de la personne-ressource en matière administrative, et tous les renseigne- ments la concernant sont entiers et complets. Les noms de domaine .CA sont réservés aux person- nes et aux entreprises ayant un lien avec le Canada. Il s’agit de l’un des principales caractéristiques si u- niques au .CA. Dans le but de protéger ce caractère unique et de veiller au maintien du .CA à titre de res- source publique pour tous les Canadiens, les titulaires sont tenus de s'associer à l’une des 18 catégories au moment d’enregistrer un nom de domaine .CA. Nous procédons régulièrement à une révision des noms de domaine enregistréses afin de garantir que : 1) les enregistrements de nom de domaine .CA sont légitimes et que les titulaires peuvent dé- montrer leur lien avec le Canada et, le cas échéant 2) que ces titulaires sont inscrits dans la catégorie appropriée. C'est pour- quoi nous communiquons avec vous de cette façon. Afin de vous aider à soumettre les documents adé- quats, l’ACEI a dressé une liste de ceux qui seront acceptés pour valider certaines catégories de pré- sence au Canada souvent utilisées : http://www.cira. ca/cpr/fr/intro.html. À l'égard de la catégorie Corporation canadienne des exigences en matière de présence au Canada, les documents acceptés sont, entre autres, le Cer- tificat de statut d'entreprise et le Rapport de profil d'entreprise. Veuillez prendre note que les statuts constitutifs ne sont pas considérés comme des documents acceptables à cette fin. À l'égard de la catégorie Citoyen canadien, le cer- tificat de naissance canadien et le passeport cana- dien valide comptent au nombre des documents admissibles. Veuillez noter que vous n’êtes pas tenu de divulguer votre date de naissance à l’ACEI. Si la documentation demandée n’est pas reçue d’ici le 31 Juillet, 2012 votre ou vos enregistre- ments de nom de domaine .CA seront suspen- dus, ce qui signifie que toutes les adresses élec- troniques et tous les sites Web y étant associés ne seront plus fonctionnels. Cette suspension sera suivie de la suppression de votre ou de vos enregistrements de nom de domaine à moins que ce processus ne soit complété avec succès. Veuillez prendre note que pendant la durée du pro- cessus de vérification de ces renseignements, l’ac- cès au(x) nom(s) de domaine .CA associé(s)au nu- méro de titulaire r1836508x186sera restreint. Ainsi, vous ne serez pas en mesure d’effectuer de mise à jour des coordonnées du titulaire ni de transfert de registraire jusqu'à ce que le processus soit complété avec succès. Veuillez adresser toute question au sujet de ces modifications au registraire qui assure la gestion des renseignements afférents à votre nom de do- maine. Votre registraire est : Co. Si vous avez des questions, vous pouvez également communiquer Nous vous prions d’agréer nos sincères salutations. Cordialement, Serina Soares
askedEasyhosting.comsupport people what
theSupport Service Response CIRA e-mail was about. They sent a vague boilerplate response. I have*NOT*heard from them since. from: to: date: Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 1:55 PM subject: Re: C'est quoi ça ? (Voir pièce ci-jointe du CIRA) Dear customer, Thank you for your recent message. Your question or concern has been successfully received by our Technical Support Department. We will review your concerns and reply as soon as possible. July 30th, 2012, 10:56 AM
From: <> Date: Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 10:56 AM Subject: ATTENTION: doN'T touch (NOTHING ILLEGAL about it) -kn To:,, ATTENTION:donN'T There is *NOTHING* ILLEGAL about it. The shutting down will beA BLATANT ACT OFthe FASCIST Police state *CENSORSHIP*! It's a political Web site whose political party, the É(eh)PC [the Égalité (eh-gah'-lee-teh) Party of Canada] will ensure100% DEMOCRACY. The É(eh)PC will replacethe FASCIST Police state Gov'ts of North Americarun by*CROOKED* bu- reaucrats+*DIRTY* COPSthatserve the Richand exploit everyone else. It will do itin the USAwitheh-USAandin Mexicowith i-México. Kenneth Selin (say'leen) ~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) "magna cum laude" ~~~ É(eh)PC President/Party Leader ~~~ for MORE! July 31st 2012, 11:18 a.m.
On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 11:18 AM CIRA Compliance <> wrote: > Dear Kenneth, > > Thank you for your email. Please note that the Registrant has been selected to go through CIRA's Registrant Information Validation process. When the domain name was first registered it was registered to the Registrant (K+) under the legal type category of a ( political party). After conducting research we did not find any official political party in the name of (K+), this is the reason why the registrant has been selected to go through this compliance audit. > > In order to resolve this matterwe will need legal documentationthat will demonstrate the Registrant (K+) fulfills one of our eighteen legal type categories provided to you in this link, in order to meet our Canadian Presence Requirements. > > To assist you with ensuring that the proper docu- mentation is being submitted, CIRA provides a list of documents that it will accept to validate the Regis- trant (K+) under one of the following and most frequently used Canadian Presence categories: > > Please note that we will only be accepting documen- tation for the Registrant (K+). > > Any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at any time. > > Regards, > Serina El Salibi > July 31st 2012, 2:32 p.m.
from: to:,, date: Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 2:32 PM subject: is the registrant [NOT K+ (re:] The Registrant, K+, wasa mistake. The domain nameshould be registered under "Canadian citizenship". K+ was part of my *former* Web site SEE: index.php/t-310919.html K+ wasNEVER A CORPORATIONwith its own servers. The RegistrantHAS ALWAYS BEEN NOT me). As I have always been using*their* servers. SEE: Name servers: Please CORRECTthe mistakebyreplacing K+ which is CLEARLY the case when you look at the my file at Domain name: Domain status: registered Creation date: 2007/03/30 Expiry date: 2016/03/30 Updated date: 2012/05/16 Registrar: Name: Co. Number: 156 Registrant: Name: K+ Administrative contact: Name: Kenneth Selin Postal address: 704-125 Stewart St. Ottawa ON K1N 6J3 Canada Phone: 613-565-0330 Fax: Email: Technical contact: Name: Network Admin Postal address: 1755 boul. Rene-Levesque Est Montreal QC H2K 4P6 Canada Phone: +1.8003565665 Fax: +1.9056933646 Email: Name servers: |