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I'mthe president/party leader oftheÉ(eh)PC,theÉgalité (eh-gah'-lee-teh)Party ofCanada, Canada's only *anti-fascist* political party background I'm a multilingual,magna cum laude,5-timeUniversity of Ottawagrad under Policesurveillance Since July 25th 2007, I've been staying at Seaton House, (a men's shelter in eastside, downtown Toronto - a.k.a. Satan's House, at 339 George Street under Policesurveillance! avant-garde theÉ(eh)PCwill give Canadians (witha 50% smaller gov't)prosperity+ 100% financially transparentdemocracy! this represents a monumental paradigm shift in world politicswhere fascism reigns it makes theÉ(eh)PCanavant- gardepolitical party essentially theÉ(eh)PCis offeringprosperity- baseddemocracy it's emphasis: productivity it's goal: help Canadians becomerich+happy the eh-revolution for democracy! theÉ(eh)PCis about the'sky- blue' eh-revolution, the colour oftheÉ(eh)PC the eh-revolutionconsists ... 1. in giving Canadiansthe power to monitorGov't spendingin real time - online 2. inrewarding themwith$5,000 tax freewhenever they report *unne- cessary* Gov't spendingat the yet- to-be-createdCanadian Information AgencyWeb site+the guilty Gov't employee will do 2 years in jail ![]() the eh-revolutionis expressed intheÉ(eh)PCslogan: POWER! 2thePEOPLE incomesecurity+jobs= prosperity the eh-revolutionwill result inefficient, cost-effective gov't that serves thePEOPLE wellthrough wealth redistribution in order to provideincomesecurity however,its priorityisjob creation through the promotion of small business because small business generates 80% of the jobs in Canada, but pay 35% tax unlike the corporations who only pay 15% contraction of the global economy we are faced with a 20 to 30 year contractionof the global economy due to... 1. deceleration of the global economy 2. bad debton the books of banks, insurance companies+pension funds - around the world 3. banks, insurance companies+ pension fundsinvesting at a losswith the stock markets continuallyin decline - in the coming years we, therefore,can no longer afford *crooked*fascist*bloated*Police stategov'tthat operatesbehind an iron curtain of secrecythat... ![]() 1. *scams*thePEOPLE (by increasing taxes, licence, user fees+fines for all sorts of things year after year) 2. hoses the poor,*naive*college+ university students+*inten- tionally* starves the Poor+ First Peoples on*reserves* by providing a*grossly* inadequate level of social assistance fascistcensorship A. FaceBook FaceBook.comcanceledmy account - for good! B. Myspace MySpacedeleted... - my account6 times... 1. October 17th 2007 2. October 20th 2007 3. November 2nd 2007 4. November 14th 2007 5. December 11th 2007 6. August 8th 2008 - all my comments: April 16th 2013 C. Gov't of Canada on August 1st 2012 - after 5 years in operation,the Gov't of Canada took downtheÉ(eh)PCWeb site,,using CIRA, forthe details,read... - censorship.html (English+French) - after_5_years.htm ![]() note: eh-ok.cawasback upon 12.12.12(December 12th 2012) thecrooks! Policestatefascism *robs*thePEOPLEin4 ways... 1. by notredistributing the Nation's wealth 2. throughoveruseof fines, users+ license fees 3. throughunnecessaryGov'tspending (patronage appointments, PR (public relations) firms, consultant fees+ studies)(plus - an ever *growing* prison population - though crime is at a 40 year low: 55,000+ inmates (25% teenagers, 20% women - mainly 1st Nations); 200+ jails: the average annual cost per inmate is$200,000 the result isthe*enslavement*of thePEOPLEthrough overtaxation 4. spending1/4 of the budget on the Police+the judiciary+the prisons because that is*the*spending priority ofour Freemasonic *law+ order* Gov't(like*all*other Com- monwealth countries) *blind*taxation the*main*problem regarding the fascistPolicestate is*blind* taxation ![]() *blind*taxation meansthePEOPLE doN'T know*specifically*where *their* tax dollarsare going this results inovertaxation this*blindly*allows forunnecessary (fraudulent)Gov't spending economiccollapse thefascistPolicestate kind of gov't createsa *master-slave* relationship betweenthe *crooked* bureaucrats, the Police+theRich [the few(who can take advantage of all thetax breaks, tax credits, tax loopholesespecially designed for them)the 1%]+the rest (the majority, the 99%)who arerelent- lesslyovertaxedyear afteryear more+more! thisweakens the economymore+ morebringing it to the point of economic collapse: it hap- pened to Argentina in 2002 thefascistIQ test clickhere girls! hey,girls!to the beach! let's end Policestatefascism @ |