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Note: I was UNABLE to reply using G-mail to this psychologically abusive e-mail message NOT being able to reply to a personal e-mail means the e-mail is fishy. I had to used my e-mail account to reply to his diatribe I pasted his e-mail here below: it was sent to me around 3 p.m. Saturday, May 27, 2012. To: You definitely smell. As for a cop, that's the delusional voices in your head. Because, yeah, cops have nothing better to do than troll the net looking for mentally I'll idiots to taunt, huh? Don't get it twisted, I fucking hate cops as much as anyone else in my position and with my experience. But anyone who reads your post clearly sees how fucking nonsensically delusionally paranoid you are. Paranoid Schizophrenic much? You must be that muttering weirdo sitting in the hall on the 2nd floor muttering conversations with the voices no one else hears. If not, you 2 should hook up. Lots in common.Sent from my BlackBerry Curve 9360 This was followed by my response. Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 11:25:04 -0400 Subject: I SMELL a CIA agent, phew! I think my roommate is BOTH an undercover cop + CIA agent. . . I'm almost sure he's the author of these angry rants. :o) . . Enjoy your day Kevin. :o) . . You have been hiding your Blackberry from me. . . Maybe your cop buddy next door, Gagnons, keeps it for you. (Ha! Ha!) I suspect the author is a dirty undercover cop who is doing his best to harass me and who's probably - also - a CIA agent. He sounds like the guy I am forced to share a room with at the downtown eastside Toronto men's shelter, Seaton House, Kevin. His French-American undercover cop buddy, Keith (now Daniel, sounds more French) Gagnons says "dollar" (dah-lahh) like a true-blue yanky. If Kevin and Daniel can prove they went to a Canadian elementary and secondary school (These schools keep pictures of their students: there's also the student year-book.), I'd - needless - to say be reassured. Strangely, Seaton House seems to be run by CIA African-Americans as attested to the big mural paintings of President Obama, Kissinger, Bugs Bunny, Batman, Bob Marley, Jimmy Hendrix on my - 4th - floor. ![]() These guys appear to be running a billion dollar drug racket coving 12 blocks on behalf of the Hells Angels, but the Toronto Police seem to be the honchos. Note: when the painters came, the staff insisted on leaving those big 4th Floor Seaton House mural paintings that reflect African-American culture despite my ve hement, vocal disapproval. Note: I belive the CIA-backed Hells Angels run at least 25 muni- cipalities including their re- spective Police forces from Ontario to BC and include such places as London, Kitchener-Waterloo, Leth- bridge, Cranberry, ... . Note: I belive this all started at Seaton House towards the end of the 1960s with the Americans taking Seaton House over along with Toronto Housing so CIA agents can have low-income housing while being put on disability which seems to be what Dr. Rowe, American psychiatrist who works at Seaton House does. In the late 1960s the USA wanted to keep an eye on 40,000 Vietnam War draft dodgers by working as undercover cops for the Toronto Police. Note: Toronto gets one billion dollars in new property tax revenue every year, but yet property taxes still keep going up regardlessly 2.5%, in fact the City said it had a 2012 $774 million budget short- fall that resulted in 3000 municipal employees losing their jobs. How- ever, that is NOT possible with 169 highrises under construction and 71,000 new condo units each year. Note: when Toronto's mayor and Police Chief uses a PR (public relations) firm, is it a CIA-run American firm? Note: when Toronto Police "commercialize their services" by having cops in high schools, the metro, grocery stores, beer stores, book stores, and on every construction site, they are acting in an extralegal fashion that is inherent unlawful and more im- portantly NOT necessary. ![]() Here are similar responses to my online messages over seven (7) years whose intent is obviously to harass, psychologically harm, demean, and discredit. This kind of vicious character assassination is libel. Libel is a criminal offence by guys that I consider to be illegal cops because there's no legislation for full-time undercover cops, system goons that defend our FASCIST "secretive" (CROOKED) Police State Gov't whose members come from all the Police forces, and whose salaires are over $200,000 with often an extra $300,000 from drug trafficking. When they can, they will use entrapment to send someone to jail. They crisscross Canada 24/7 by bus, train, and plane and will even go into the States. Date: April 22nd 2010 Subject: É(eh)PC President/Party Leader PISSES OFF! the FASCIST! Police State Gov't of Canada at Craigslist-dot-com Toronto Politics Date: April 16th 2010 Subject: Did the Toronto Police Force hire a PR firm to DISS! Kenneth Selin, [the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader] at CraigsList-dot-com Toronto Politics? YES? Subject: Government T-e-r-r-o-r-i-z-e-d! Égalité President/Party Leader Date: January 30th 2006. Subject: POLICE STATE, BIG! BROTHER Surveillance Date: January 30th 2006 Subject: SPOOKed! Date: January 30th 2006 Subject: HELP! Get some. Date: January 11th 2006. Subject: SUCKER-bait? Date: January 1st 2006 Subject: RCMP investigation *warranted* Date: January 1st 2006 Subject: Prime Minister Paul Martin's GOONS, FRIENDS, or DEMONS? Date: January 1st 2006. Subject: MY! POSTINGS - where are they? Date: December 31st 2005 Subject: M-O-R-E!!! Online Harassment |