![]() It'sfun.
- prosperity - aNEWCanada - a 100%democraticrepublic - a4-daywork week - a7.5-hourwork day - $20/hminimum - political choice - a 50%smaller,100%financially transparent - democratic Gov't - *reduced*cost of living - *economic*benefits
- 2. income security - 3. guaranteed income - 4. $20/hourminimum - 5. $1,200TAX-FREEmonthly for college+university students taking four (4) courses or more at a time(full-time students) - 6. $1,200TAX-FREEmonthly automatically for 12 consecutive months for full-time students living away from homein Canada - 7. *reduced*cost of living - PLUS - FREEcollege - FREEdaycare - FREEuniversity - FREEurban transit - forthe
![]() - be friendly - be well-dressed - less said, the better ![]() - Recruitwith a buddy. - Sign people up with therecruiting - forms+a clipboard. orFor those withquestions orwhowant to argue, orsay orI'm here to sign people up, NOT to argue. orPlease visittheÉ(eh)PCWeb site,eh-ok.ca,for oranswers to your questions. orCome back with or $5to bea member, or$10to bea promoter, or$20to bea supporter. - If the person persists inarguing, - say I'm sorry. I cannot help you further. PleasedoN'T harassme. Thanks. |
The Guarantee Anyeh-recruiterharassedwill get a good Gov't job. |