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![]() The GOODlife
(suggested script) DO YOU WANT to give the Gov't 10% of your $$$ instead of 50%? THEN, you want to join The Égalité (eh-gah'-lee-teh)Party of Canada, theÉ(eh)PC, for life for $5, the price of a coffee ![]() a piece of cake. ![]() TheÉ(eh)PCwill give you a small, efficient, 100%financially transparent republicwithout the Senate, without the provincesbecause you'll be able to monitor the details of Gov't spending in real time online: reportunnecessary spending, a crime and get a $5,000 TAX-FREE reward. The income security measures like a guaranteed income , FREE college+university, paying college+ university students $1,200 monthly TAX-FREE, FREE daycare, FREE urban transit, $20 minium hourly wage, employment insurance based on full income, will give you the GOODlife. However,the priority is the pro- motion of small business because small business creates 80% of the jobs. For a prosperousNEW Canada that gives youthe GOODlife, join theÉ(eh)PC for life for $5,the price ofa coffee ![]() a piece of cake. ![]() or better yet, become a promoter for $10 or a supporter for $20 which do you want to do? If not interested, say Visit the Web site and come back to see me so I can sign you up. (Hand her/him a copy of the pamphlet OR the card.) Say Thanks for your attention. Enjoy your day. sign-up
Tip: print+usethe onlinerecruiting forms Tip: with a clipboard ![]() Say To sign you up I need 6 things 1. family name 2. initials 3. date of birth (year-month-day: 00-00-00) 4. $5?or$10?or$20? 5. take the oath by saying I refuse to be a crook! 6. your e-mail address so you can be notified of the membership riding meeting to choose theÉ(eh)PC candidate at election time May I have - your family name? - your initials? - your date of birth? - $5?or$10?or$20? - you say the oath I refuse to be a crook! - your e-mail address? l'll send you a thank-you e-mail. Thanks. Enjoy your day! thank-you
(copy+paste)in the subject
you for joining theÉ(eh)PC.[Merci d'être devenu(e) membre duPÉC.]
in the body
(La version française suit.) Thank you for joining theÉ(eh)PC,the Égalité(eh-gah'-lee-teh) Party of Canada. If your name does *NOT* appear at, after a week's time, please let me know. I'll use this e-mail address to notify you of the election of theÉ(eh)PC candidate that will represent the riding. Note: the hall size will determine the number of members Note: allowed in to choose theÉ(eh)PC candidate for Note: your riding. ~~~ Je vous remercie d'être devenu(e) membre duPÉC,le Parti Égalité du Canada. Si votre nom ne figure*pas* à, après une semaine, veuillez m'en prévenir. Je vais m'en servir de ce courriel pour vous en aviser de la réunion des membres pour choisir le/la candidat(e) duPÉC qui représentera la circonscription. Notez : la taille de la salle déterminera le nombre de Notez : membres admissibles pour choisir le/la can- Notez : didat(e) duPÉC de votre circonscription. your initials, your family name |