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3 Steno-K+ Notation Workshops
based on transcription speed Offered as of 2022 1. The Steno-K+ Long-format Notation Workshop Every single sound is transcribed by a sound letter, mark, or graph. Duration: 30 to 45 minutes Cost: $100 2. The Steno-K+ Short-format Notation Workshop Sound-groups are transcribed by a sound letter or graph. Duration: 60 to 80 minutes Cost: $250 Those who take this workshop qualify for The Steno-K+ Notation Certificate: the cost for the test: $50. The required passing mark is 75%+. 3. The Advanced Steno-K+ Notation Workshop It's the coolest part. The goal is to transcribe the least possible by using - the sound outline of the sentence - word abreviations transcribed using one sound letter Duration: 60 to 80 minutes Cost: $250 Note: the
workshops are interactive
The Evolution
to Steno-K+ Notation
The word stenography is made up of two (2) Greekwords: 1. steno (meaning "narrow") 2. graphy (meaning "writing"). The written characters of stenography are called steno-graphs. The actual writing of these characters is called transcription (the going from one writing system to another) and the verb is to transcribe. There have been 16 different kinds of steno- graphy. Only three (3) became popular: 1. Forkner 2. Gregg 3. Pittman Of those three (3), Forkner lasted the longest. (See Gregg Shorthand: (See Pittman Shorthand: However, the one most taught in college over a two (2) trimester period because of its sim- pliciity was Forkner Stenography developed in the mid-1950s. Stenography (steno) later became known as shorthand and that became known as speed writing: these terms (stenography/steno, shorthand, speedwriting) can be used interchangeably. Steno-K+ Notation transcribes sounds: it ignores the difficulties of English spelling. It simple, fun+ez using letters of the alphabet+6lines+1apostrophe+1comma that lets you write 3x faster+ 4X faster with abbreviations+ short cuts. Steno-K+ Notation Improvements
it's largely based on Forkner
stenographydeveloped in the 1950s, it's an impovement. For example, Forkner stenography does *not* always correctly represent a sound like in the word is: Forkner stenography transcribes it using the s-sound letter though it is pronounced as a z-sound. Transcribed acronyms and abbreviations are circled in Steno-K+ Notation to highlight the fact that they're *not* words: this makes them stand out when editing your notes while typing: Forkner stenography does *not* make the distinction. Course Material - The Steno-K+ Long-format Notation Worksheet ![]() Get it with the answer sheet in printable pdf format for $50 and do it with your friends. The Steno-K+ Long-format
The Steno-K+ Long-format Workshop covers ...Notation Workshop - 6 vowels - 2 vowel blends (diphthongs) - 20 consonants - 10 consonantal combos - 2-grammatical-based consonantal sound letters. The Steno-K+ Long-format Notation transcribes each sound. The Steno-K+ Notation
the top of
the page are the
2-vowel sound letters, a
Worksheet Layout dot sound mark, a comma mark, a small backward slash, an apostrophe mark, and 2-vowel blend sound letters for a total of eight (8) sound letters/marks. On the left-hand side of the page are the 16 consonantal sound letters. On the right-hand side of the page are the four (4) 4-line- based consonantal sound graphs along with 2-grammati- calbased consonantal sound graphs and the 10-conso- nantal-combo sound letters for a total of 16 sound letters/ graphs. On the middle of the page are 40 lines for the transcription of 40 words, each illustrating a sound letter/mark/graph. On the bottom of the page are two (2) lines for the tran- scription of two (2) sentences the covers the 40 sounds. The Steno-K+ Long-format Notation has only one disjoined sound letter: it's 1 of the 2-grammatical- based consonantal sound graphs. It's used to indicate the past tense of a verb. It's a short underline placed under the last letter of a past tense verb. SpeedFeatures
A main speed
feature of the Steno-K+ Long-format Notationis the silent letters of English words (like the word dough which has 3 silent letters ugh) are *not* transcribed. In the case of double consonants (like those found in the word command) only one of the consonants is pronounced: therefore, only one (instead of both) is transcribed. ![]() In vowel pairs, where only one is pronounced (like in the word tie where the e is *not* pronounced) only one is tran- scribed. Another important speed feature is the linking of words without disjoined sound letters: there are 12 disjoined sound letters in Steno-K+ Short-format Notation indicated by a capital "d" in parenthesis, (D) on the Steno-K+ Short-format Notation Work Sheet. The Steno-K+ Short-format
The Steno-K+ Short-format Notation Workshop Notation Workshop covers 39 sound groups, each transcribed with just a single sound letter: 10 sound letters from the Steno-K+ Long-format Notation are reused as disjoined sound letters. For example, the cursive f-group-sound letter represents the fur-sound and the for-sound at the beginning of a word: it's disjoined so that it's *not* confused with the cursive single f-sound letter. This example of Steno-K+ Short-format Notation clearly illustrates just how much faster it is in comparison with regular longhand writing using the 7-letter word, foreign, transcribed using the disjoined f-sound-group letter followed by the single n-sound letter: two (2) sound letters replace 7 lettersof the alphabet thereby *tripling* your notation speed of this word. In this example, two (2) sound letters express a 5-letter word, fence, with the single f-sound letter followed by the disjoined n-group sound letter for the ence-sound thereby doubling the notation speed for this word: 2 sound letters for 5 letters of the alphabet. In the Steno-K+ Short-format Notation a sound letter can represent two (2) or more sounds *tripling* your notation speed. ![]() The Steno-K+ Notation Certificate
complete the Steno-K+ Short-format Notation Workshop can take the test for The Steno-K+ Notation Certificate for $50: the required mark to pass is 75%+. Course Material - Steno-K+ Short-format Notation Worksheet The Steno-K+
sound letters
on The Steno-K+
Worksheet NotationShort-format Notation Worksheet are divided into 5 sections. The first 4 sections are covered by the Steno-K+ Long-format Notation Workshop. The first 3 of the 4 sections cover single sound letters (stenographs) that express 6 vowels, 2 vowel-blends (diphthongs) and 22 consonants. The 4th section covers 10 consonantal-combo sounds (like st,sp, sh, ch, th, etc.) expressed by a single sound letter (stenograph). The fifth section covers groups of sounds expressed by a single sound letter (steno- graph). The fifth section is the focus of the Steno-K+ Short-format Notation Workshop. Unlike Steno-K+ Long-format Notation which has two (2) grammatical sound letters, Steno-K+ Short-format Notation has only one (1), a little horizontal line placed midway on the line at the end of a word to indicate that the word is an ly-adverb. ![]() The Advanced Steno-K+
workshop covers
single sound letterNotation Workshop abbreviations+transcription shortcuts for long words: this increases notation speed even more. Speedbenefits
- capitalization The first letter of a sentence is *not* capitalized. However, to indicate a capitalized letter the convention is to put a checkmark under it. - abbreviations Each letter of an abbreviation (like St. for street) or of an acronym (like IBM) is represented by individual sound letters and circled to indicate that it's *not* a sound-transcribed word. This is a major feature of Steno-K+ Notation. - punctuation 1. there's no dot under the question mark 2. a paragraph ends with a pair of forward slashes 3. a pair of forward slashes separates last sentence of a paragraph from the first sentence of the next paragraph 4. for the sake of greater notation speed, punctuation (like commas) should only be added when editing However, if needed, they can be - circled (that's the Steno-K+ - Notation convention) 4. OR - an inverted (upside-down) "v" can be placed on top of them (that's the Forkner stenography convention to avoid confusion with the o-sound letter represented by a comma 5. an apostrophe needs to be circled (that's 5. the Steno-K+ Notation convention) 5. so as *not* to confuse it with the eh-ah-aw sound letter represented by an apostrophe (Like the comma, the apostrophe should be avoided for maximum notation speed.) Simple+fast+
f-u-n+e-z +insightful! Not only is Steno-K+ Notation simple+ fast+f-u-n+e-z to learn, it will provides valuable insights into English spelling. You'll notice the gap between how a word is spelt and how it is pro- nounced. For example,of is pro- nounced ahv. As a result, it's tran- scribed using an ah-sound letter represented by an apostophe and a v-sound letter represented by a single v-sound letter. Note the word has *no* o-sound *nor* f-sound. You'll notice the most common sound in the English language is the short e found in the word her. This sound is known in linguistics as the schwa: it's the only sound that is *not* transcribed unless it's at the beginning of a word. GR8!benefits
- it *triples*
notation speed- write quickly, effortlessly - you can leave your laptop at home so it doesn't get damaged, loss, or stolen - by editing your transcription notes while typing them, you develop the skill of précis writing - it makes you lQQk SMART! - it makes your resume stand out! - you'll be able to relax when notetaking - instead of being in a panic trying to - keep up - it will dramatically improve your Engish - it will contribute to your financial success - it demonstrates your willingness to invest - in yourself in order to get ahead
me: ken@eh-ok.caIn the subject line, put Steno-K+ Long-format Notation In the body of your message, put 1. your preferred time 2. your preferred location: any coffee shop downtown around the Eaton Centre Get20%off when a friend takes it with you who'll also get20%off. Available
in 2022
- The Steno-K+ Game: $50- The Steno-K+ Kit: $75 - The K+ eWriting Web-kit: $10 Note: these prices are going up in 2022. Steno-K+ Notation,
it's so handy! Cheers!
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