topless eRomance |
let's hang out sometime,ok? about dating You want to hang out
in order to enjoy their company because of their SEXAPPEAL We date for adventure,fun. We look + act our best so its a success. datingactivities
good to ask: anything you'd like to
do?Then, say: I was thinking we could ... .
- glance - let your gaze linger - look away - glance - again! from afar
Smile warmlyThe person responds positively? Walk over slowly - in a relaxed manner 80% of communication is body language Looking at her directly in the eye, giving her your full atention, introduce yourself. (Look happy to see her) Shake her hand Say slowly in a pleasant voice while smiling Hi! I'm ... + you're ... Jane? Ask a few simple questions to ... - "gage" her interest. - get her used to your voice tip: avoid talking more than Tip: 2 minutes at a time Note: do a fair bit of talking at the start Note: so she can relax + come out Note: of her protective shell. Listenattentively! End by asking ... How about a hug? Placing an arm on her shoulder, slowly lean in to kiss. Should she turn away, it could be she's just NOT ready. Ask her out saying ... Why don't we ... ? I was wondering ... How about you + I ... ? Perhaps, we can go to ... sometime. Let's hang out this Saturday or Sunday at say 1:30 or 2:30 p.m.: we'll go for a quick coffee. What do you say? e-mail? Let me have your e-mail address so we can arrange ... - where we can meet for coffee - on what day - at what time that suits us both. We'll discuss what we'd like to do that's fun. coffee first! A 15 to 20 minute affair to discuss what you're both want to do that's fun. Talk about enthusiatic consent: let her know all activities have to be consensual "ahead" of time. Sexual assault occurs when there is LESS THAN full consent. 1st date Not more than two (2) hours. Note: NEVER ask personal Note: questions. Note: NEVER ask about past Note: relationships. Note: controling behavior is Note: abusive behavior: she's Note: free to do what she's wants. Note: ask her if she'd like Note: to bring a friend Note: along. Note: going to the beach Note: can be a lot of fun. safety 1st! Both the guy + the gal should let people know with whom they're hanging out, where they're going, what they'll be doing, when they'll be back. Note: mid-way through she Note: might one to call a Note: friend to say how Note: things are going. preping - shower - wash your hair - brush your teeth - wear clean, nice clothes - wear a cologne (perfume - for a girl) to ease the 1st date tension ... - flowers - chocolates - anything sweet: a peice of gum|candy - a coffee mugwith a card: THANKS for the date. :D hanging out Make her feel comfortable ... - smile - tell a joke or two - use her name often - give her a compliment - look happy|grateful to with her touching infrequent touching can be reassuring - hugging - a hand on her shoulder - holding hands now + again - a hand on her arm to make a point - kissing (forehead, neck, cheek before the lips) - putting your arm around her while pulling her into you - a hand on her lower back to guide her through a crowd after 3 dates GOING FORWARD, let her know about the kind of relationship you'd like to have with her. You might want to know: does she want a sexual relation- ship now, later on, not at all? She may be a foreign student who just wants to have a fling (nothing serious). Note: if you keep having fun, Note: the kissing, holding hands, Note: looking into each others eyes, Note: ... will come. Note: some girls may want to Note: get physical right away; Note: others may prefer to Note: wait + see. group dates fun + safe: THE BEST for teenagers next date? Getting along fine, why not? HOWEVER, the girl may want a more high-valued person (someone with a fast car, more money that will spend more on her) or someone of her religion sor ethnic background to please her parents. In that case, you'll have to wait + see. :D There could be "other" legitimate reasons for not accepting a 2nd date that has NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU. She may have to ... - visit relatives - go away on holidays - attend a wedding or funeral, etc. Whatever the case, smile saying: Let's do it again: e-mail me when you're ready to hang out again! no next date? THE VIBE, not there. Shake hands looking at her appreciatively saying: THANKS for the date. Shoul she want a 2nd date: then, discuss your misgivings. It could be there was miscommunication on her part. For example, she could have been intentionally standoffish just to gage your reaction. next? Say: Let's do it again: I'll e-mail you on a Wednesday. Note: when you e-mail her, Note: say: I was thinking of you. boundaries Don't get involved in her personal life. That's a really "BIG" RED FLAG. Say: I'm sorry I don't want to get Say: involve any anybody's Say: personal life. Say: dating + relationship-boundaries end it! Controlling behavior is abusive. It gets worse with time. Say: I'm so sorry, but I really Say: don't feel well: I do have Say: to go now. Bye. caution: any invasion of a person's caution: private life is abuse! once a week NEVER date the same person more than once a week at the start. Otherwise, you'll appear needy. 3-month decision to continue the relationship or to end it? The deciding factors: - do you make each other feel good? - are you happy to be around each other? 2-year rule - NEVER MARRY before two (2) years - a dead-end relationship should - NOT LAST past two (2) years true love is wanting to make the other person happy follow-up - talk about the moment - when she says something, ask a "follow-up" question - (It'll show her you're interested in what she has to say.) Your goal: increase her comfort level so that Your goal: her attraction for you grows stronger. :D
to create a connection ha! ha! - is it HOT in here or is JUST YOU? - you're SO HOT: let's start A FIRE. - HOT STUFF: yes, I'm talking about us, Baby - if I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put "i" beside "u". - you're the paint + I'm the brush + the bed is the canvas. - do you believe in love at 1st sight or should I walk by you again? - you must be an angel from heaven: let me squeeze your arm - to see if you're REAL. xxx ha! ha! - are we going on a 1-condom-date, a 2-condom-date, - or a 3-condom-date? Just asking? :D - I like going on a clean date: so are we going to have - a bath or shower together? Which will it be? Your call. - Guy at the beach gets girl to kiss his nipples; then, he says: - taking off her bikini top: "It's my turn." - I just met you + my erectile dysfunction, GONE! Amazing! - THANK YOU! Extending his hand, smiling says: I'm (gives - his name) and your name is, let me guess, Princess, right? - How can I repay you? You look like THE SEXUALLY ADVEN- - TUROUS TYPE, are you? (still holding onto her hand) :D - Guy says to girl: I know what girls want? SEX! I'm your guy. - But NOT RIGHT AWAY. I have to get to know you first, or - are you in a hurry? :D - 3 key guy do-you condom questions for the girl: -1. Do you know what this is? -2. Do you know how to use it? -3. Do you have any?" (Ha! Ha!) sex binds Kissing, hugging, holding hands, cuddling are safe, zero-risk activities. Sexually transmitted diseases + preg- nancy can be avoided by planning ahead. Note: prolonged sexual activity Note: can reach the point of no return. caution: an orgasim will "solidify" the caution: relationship that one of the caution: parties may not want. caution: students be aware - the more caution: sexual acitivity, ther more caution: you're tying up your time + caution: the more they're getting tied caution: to her. That's fine if you're caution: planning a future together: caution: otherwise, she may feel caution: abused. more dates, the better! The more experience you have dating, the easier it becomes: so, to find the person that's right for you for life, get dating! tips 1-step away from having a
boyfriend (ha! ha!)