Learning French, chic; learning Russian, more so. 1/6 of the world speaks Russian. It is spoken in Eastern Europe+Central Asia. Введение
введение .5 syllables: в-ве-де'-ни-е .pronounced ve-veei-deei'-nee-eei .meaning introduction My University of Ottawa philosophy professor, Father Stroik Ph.D. (German Catholic Oblate priest who lived through World War II in Germany), said to me in 1975: ."The best advice, I can give you, is to learn Russian." This is especially true today as we go through a 30-year economic contraction that will *not* affect The Russian Commonwealth (also known as the Commonwealth of Independent States: Cодружество Независимых Государств). Cодружество (noun, nominative case, masculine, singular) 4 syllables: Cо-дру'-жест-во .pronounced sah-droo'-jeeist-ve (oo in pool) .meaning commonwealth Независимыхурок (adjective, genitive case, masculine, plural) 5 syllables: Не-за-ви'-си-мых .pronounced neei-za-vee'-see-me-ee-ik (soft, throaty k) .meaning independent Государств (noun, genitive case, masculine, .plural) 4 syllables: Го-су-дарст'-в .pronounced guh-soo-dahrst-ve .meaning states They're the former Soviet Russian-speaking countries *minus* those who have joined the European Union: Poland, Estonia, Lithuanian, Latvia, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Romania, and the Ukraine. The continuing slide in the Euro and English sterling pound combined with the strengthening of the ruble (рубль, 2 syllables: ру-бль' pro- nounced roo-blʹ, plural рубли': 2 syllables: руб-ли' pronounced roob-liʹ) combined with the European economy dependent on the development of the Russian economy for mutual benefit will propel the European Union into the orbit of Russia's .Commonwealth of Independent States making .Russia *the* superpower. (Currently, 1 RUB ₽ = $.02 CAD) Who provided Russia with badly needed $$$ when The Soviet Union was crumbling? *Not* the USA who had promised to help Russia if it embraced democracy, but Germany. Russia's official name is The Russian Federation, Российская Федерация. Россия (noun, nominative case, feminine, singular) 3 syllables: Рос-си'-я .pronounced rahs-see'-yah .meaning Russia Российская (adjective, nominative case, feminine, singular) 3 syllables: Рос-си'-йс-кая .pronounced rahs-see'-yes-kuyah .meaning Russian Федерация (noun, nominative case, feminine, singular) .5 syllables: Фе-де-pa'-ци-я .pronounced feei-deei-rah'-stee-yah .meaning federation Russia (Росси́я) is the biggest nation covering 1/6 of the globe crossing 11 time zones with the most diversed climate. At The Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games, tourists were treated to winter in the mountains and warm coastal weather by the Black Sea where they were lodged. Sochi=Сочи 2 syllables: Со-чи' .pronounced sah-chee' The monumental success of Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games is testimony to the dynamism and capability of the *new* Russia. Because the future belongs to .Russia, my best advice is this: learnRussian. |
План .meaning the plan The goal is to ease you ASAP (as *quickly* as .possible) into Russian in order to facilitate .flash learning that allows to more easily retain .the material learned. .This is done in a simple, logically progressive .way. .You'll learn the key to language learning is the .syllable. .Languages like Russian and English have syllabic .stress: one of the syllables in a word with two or .more syllables is stressed while the others are .destressed (devoiced). .You'll learn how palatalization gives Russian it's .musicality by devoicing the ending of each syllable .so it can more easily glide into the next syllable. .This is followed by a short, but thorough introduction .to the Russian alphabet. .All that is a prelude to the 15 quick, easy lessons .that introduces you to the Russian language and .to Russia. .The online resources (after the 15 lessons) will .proof very helpful in your acquistion of Russian. .The focus is on ease of learning and fun that will .develop the desire to learn more about Rusian .and its language. .As an historical footnote, Russian language .learning was encouraged in the USA during .the Cold War. .When the Chinese Communist Party adopted .the Russian style of communism, Russian was .the foreign language that the Chinese learned .the most for over a decade until the 1960's. Удачи!
3 syllables: у-да'-чи .pronounced ou-da'-chee meaning good luck |
Добро .2 syllabes: до-бро' .pronounced dah-broh' .meaning well . пожаловать
(verb).4 syllabes: по-жа'-ло-вать pronounced pah-jah-le-vat .meaning to visit *both* together meanwelcome Russians *traditionally* .welcome strangers with ... a plate тарелка (noun, nominative case, feminine, singular) 3 syllables: та-рел'-ка .pronounced tuh-reeil'-kuh of bread хлеб (noun, nominative case, masculine, singular) pronounced hileeip .[where the Russian letter б (the . Russian b-letter) is pronounced as a p-sound because it's devoiced at the end of the syllable] and и (conjunction) pronounced ee salt соль (noun, nominative case, masculine, singular) pronounced sohl |
"The Russian language is... the greatness of Spanish, the liveliness of French, the force of German, the tenderness of Italian, and, in addition, the richness and strong terse descriptiveness of Greek and Latin. - Mikhail Lomonosov, 18th century Russian scientist, writer |
Стресс (noun, nominative case, masculine, singular) pronounced (*almost* like English) streeiss meaning stress Russian words of 2 or more syllables have a stressed syllable that is pronounced with more force than the rest (just like English) unlike English, however, *every* syllable is pronounced *distinctly* this stress feature (where one syllable of a .word is stressed) allows the other syllables .to be produced quicker: it's a timesaving and .energy saving feature Note a syllable with the prominent Russian vowel ё (yoh) *always* carries the stress |
(noun, nominative case, masculine, singular) pronouced slok .[where the Russian letter г (the Russian g letter) is pronounced as a k-sound because it's devoiced at the end of the syllable] .meaning the syllable *the* unit of all languages .is the syllable a consonant (a *constricted* air flow sound) is *not* a syllable consonant http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/cons http://grammar.about.com/od/c/g/consonate http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition a vowel (an *unconstricted* air flow sound) is *not* a syllable vowel http://www.thefreedictionary.com/vowel http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/v http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionar a syllable a *combination* of ... - one vowel .- one consonant (or more) syllable http://www.thefreedictionary.com/syllable http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/syl http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definiti Example my 1-syllable name, Ken, has 2 consonants and a short-e vowel Ken is the *short* form of Kenneth: 2 syllables, Ken-neth |
the *palatized* syllable .the Russian consonants б, д, г, ж, В .are called voiced consonants because the vocal .cords constrict the air flow when they are produced .however, they become *these* soft (voiceless) .consonants of п, т, к, ф produced with .less force because the air flow is not constricted .when at the end of the syllable because you are .getting ready to say the next syllable .the syllable *weakens* towards the end making .breathing easier thanks to this eb and flow effect .of voiced consonants at the start of the syllable .ending with.voiceless consonants that are produced .with less energy the *palatized* syllable is... - voiced up front - voiceless at the back Example the b-sound, represented by the Russian letter б, becomes a softer, voiceless p-sound at the *end* of the syllable as in the word for bread, хлеб (pronounced hleeip) voiced, voiceless https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voice_%28p http://esl.about.com/od/speakingenglish/ http://www.elearnenglishlanguage.com/b Russian palatalization https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVq http://www.auburn.edu/~mitrege/russian/ http://www.russianforeveryone.com/Rufe/ http://www.livinglanguage.com/communit Example the d-sound, represented by the Russian letter д, becomes a softer, voiceless t-sound at the *end* of the syllable as in the word for city or town, город (2 syllables: го'-род pronounced goh'-ruht) Example the g-sound, represented by the Russian letter г, becomes a softer, voiceless k-sound at the *end* of the syllable as in the word for train station, вокзал (2 syllables: вок-зал' pronounced vahg-zahl') .Example the j-sound, represented by the Russian letter ж, becomes a softer, voiceless k-sound at the *end* of the syllable as in the word for spoon, ложка (2 syllables: лож'-ка pronounced lohk'-kuh) .Example the v-sound, represented by the Russian letter в, becomes a softer, voiceless f-sound at the *end* of the syllable as in the word for bus, автобус [2 syllables: ав-то-бус pronounced af-toh'-boos (the oo in pool)] 1-letter prepositions
.the 1-letter consonantal preposition for .in, в, is pronounced as an f-sound .when followed by a *voiceless* consonant .like the Russian letter к: в Канаде .(pronounced fkuh-nah'-deei meaning in Canada) .Note the 1-letter consonantal prepositions are pronounced as part of the *1st* syllable of the word following the preposition .Note .Канаде is the prepositional case of .Канада. .Канада .(noun, nominative case, feminine, singular) prepositional case http://masterrussian.com/aa081500a.shtml http://www.russianlessons.net/grammar/n http://www.russianforeveryone.com/Rufe/L the *unstressed* syllable
.A. the
Russian letter а...the Russian letter а in an *unstressed* syllable is pronounced like a short-a, uh-sound Example ехать (verb) 2 syllables: е'-хать pronounced eei'-huht (with a short-a, uh-sound) meaning to go (It looks like the English word exit.) HOWEVER, in a *stressed* syllable, it's pronounced as a long-a, ah-sound .B. the Russian letter о... the Russian letter о can be pronounced 3 ways... 1. in the *stressed* syllable as an o-sound 2. in the syllable *before* the stressed syllable as a long-a, ah-sound 3. everywhere else as a short-e, er- sound or a short-a, uh-sound HOWEVER, Russians seem to often prefer the short-a, uh-sound, over the short-e, er-sound, as in хорошо хорошо (adverb) 3 syllables: хо-ро-шо' pronounced *huh*-rah-sho' meaning well Expression С Новым Годом Happy New Year С (preposition) pronounced s meaning with новым (adjective, instrumental case of новый, masculine, singluar) 2 syllables: но'-вым pronounced noh'-vihm meaning new годом (noun, instrumental case of год, masculine, singular) 2 syllables: го'-дом pronounced goh'-dem meaning year Note the 2nd o in го'-дом is *always* pronounced with a short-e, an er-sound. like in спасибо (adverb) 3 syllables: спа-си'-бо pronounced spah-see'-be meaning thank you Note the o in спасибо is *always* pronounced as a short-e, er-sound (not like a short-a, an uh-sound) Expression ехать за городом to go out of town городом (noun, instrumental case of город, masculine, singular) 3 syllables: го'-ро-дом *usually* pronounced goh'-ruh-duhm meaning town instrumental case http://masterrussian.com/aa073000a.shtml https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzGt8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMDy http://www.russianforeveryone.com/Rufe/L за (preposition) pronounced zah meaning out of ехать 2 syllables: е'-хать pronounced eei-huht (with a short-a, uh-sound because it is in an *unstressed* syllable) means to go (It looks like the English word exit.) Note the o in an *unstressed* syllable in a word of foreign origin like радио is pronounced as an o-sound. радио (noun, nominative case, neuter, singular) 3 syllables: ра'-ди-о pronounced rah'-dee-oh meaning radio see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqa http://ask.masterrussian.com/229/when- |
the y-glide (the y-semi-vowel) 1. Я (yah) (2 vowels coming together) (last letter of the alphabet, the "I" pronoun) .2. и (ee) (2 vowels coming together) 3. е (yeei) (2 vowels coming together) 4. ю (yoo as in pool) (2 vowels coming togehter) 5. ё (yoh) (2 vowels coming togehter) (Its syllable *always* carries the stress.) the y-glide is a *transition* vowel that glides* into the next vowel y-glide http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/semi http://www.pronuncian.com/Lessons/Defaul http://english.stackexchange.com/questions |
Палатализация .singular) 7 syllables: Па-ла-та-лиз'-а-ци-я pronounced puh-luh-tuh-leez'-uh-stee-yah .meaning palatalization palatalization is the *key* feature .of the Russian language it involves the pulling back of the tongue *upwards* towards the back of the palate .giving it a *gutteral* sound effect as mentioned previously above, it affects .the last consonant of the syllable by making it *softer* and more *relaxed* .because it is produced with *less* effort .IN ADDITION, there are some consonants .that are palatalized and some that are .never palatalized .these 3 consonants are .*not* palatalized... 1. ж (je) 2. ц (st) 3. ш (sh) the overall effect of a *palatalized* consonant .(ending with a y-glide) followed by a *palatalized* .vowel (beginning with a y-glide) is the elimination .one of the 2 y-glides these 2 consonant are .*always* palatalized... 1. ч (ch) 2. щ (shsh) Example час (noun, nominative case, singular) pronounced chyas .meaning hour Note .between the ч consonant .and the а vowel there is a .y-glide the
soft sign, ь
the ь is called the soft *sign* .because it's *not* a letter, but .a sign .when it follows a consonant, it *palatalizes* .the consonant by giving it a y-glide (ye-sound) .at the end the soft signь http://www.russian-blog.com/hard_n_soft http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/so http://livinglanguage.com/community/disc affects case endings: .a word ending with the soft sign .means the case ending will be - .of course - a *palatized* vowel Example учитель (noun, nominative case, masculine, singular) 3 syllables: у-чи'-тель .pronouned oo-chee'-teeil (oo in pool) .meaning teacher its feminine equivalent takes a*palatized* vowel case ending учителя. compare that with a word .*without* the soft sign... студент (noun, nominative case, masculine, singular) 2 syllables: сту-дент' .pronounced stoo-deeint' (oo in pool) .meaning student its *feminine* equivalent .is студента Russians call the soft sign, ь мягкий (adjective, nominative case, masculine, singular) 3 syllables: мяг'-ки-й .pronounced meeyahk'-kee-ye Note the Russian letter г (the g-sound) is pronounced as a k-sound because it's at the *end* of the syllable meaning soft знак (noun, nominative case, masculine, singular) pronounced znak .meaning sign palatalization makes a consonant .sound more guttural (throaty) and smoother .(softer) (*not* as sharp as a hard consonant) giving Russian a melodic, languid quality palatalization https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdlW http://www.britannica.com/topic/palataliz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roevs http://therusblog.com/2012/02/18/palataliz |
the hard sign,ъ
the ъ is called the hard *sign* .because it's *not* a letter, but a sign Russians call the hard sign, ъ: твёрдый (adjective, nominative case, masculine, singular) 2 syllables: твёр'-дый .pronounced tvyohr'-(dee-e)ye meaning hard знак (noun, nominative case, masculine, singular) pronounced znak .meaning sign the soft sign, ь, indicatesa ye-sound .the hard sign,ъ,indicates the *absence* .of sound due to a break in the air flow, a .glottal stop .it's found in between... .- a prefix and the root word .- a word and another word of a compound word Note .only a *few* words .have the hard sign, ъ, .like объект объект (noun, nominative case, masuline singular) 2 syllables: объ-ект' .pronounced ab-eeikt' meaning subject Note the б at the end of the *1st* syllable is *not* voiceless because it does *not* glide into the next syllable: this allows the 1st syllable to be shorter, said faster - with more energy another word подъезд (noun, nominative case, masculine, singular) 2 syllables: подъ-езд' .pronounced pahd-eeizt' meaning entrance, approach Note the *1st* д at the end of the 1st syllable is *not* voiceless unlike the 2nd д at the end of the 2nd syllable which is and becomes - as a result - a t-sound because it is voiceless the glottal stop in order for *both* vowels beside each other to be pronounced, there has to be a glottal stop, a pause in the air flow like in the word reli'able glottal stop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUIRa0T http://www.macmillandictionary.com/diction the soft sign Ъ http://graphemica.com/%D0%AA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPdgM http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/hard http://russianfluently.blogspot.ca/2011/12/pr |
(adjective, nominative case, Русский masculine, singular) 3 syllables: Русс'-ки-й .pronounced rooss'-kee-ye (the oo in pool) .meaning Russian Алфавит
(noun, nominative case,
masculine, singular) 3 syllabes: ал-фа-вит' .pronounced uhl-fuh-veet' meaning alphabet Note there's no "the"(definite article) and no "a" (indefinite article) in Russian Notice in Русский - the Р (upper case), р (lower case) (the Greek r) pronounced as r - the y pronounced oo as in pool - the c pronounced s - the k pronounced k - the и pronounced as a long-e - the й pronounced ye Notice in Алфавит - the Russian letter A (upper case), а (lower case) is pronounced uh (a short a-sound) in an unstressed syllable, but ah (a long a-sound) in a *stressed* syllable - the л pronounced l - the ф pronounced f - the в pronounced v - the t pronounced t to be able to read and write Russian, you need to know the Russian alphabet the Russian alphabet correctly known as .the Cyrillic alphabet has 33 letters going from а (ah) to Я (yah) the Greek monk, Saint Cyril, invented the .Cyrillic alphabet that carries his name languages using it http://www.britannica.com/Cyrillic-alphabet the Cyrillic alphabet http://learnrussian.rt.com/alphabet/the-histo as of 2007 the Cyrillic alphabet .has become the 3rd official .alphabet of the European .Union (EU) interestingly, the letters the Cyrillic alphabet follow the same sequence .as that of the English alphabet and .are pronounced like the letters of .the French alphabet saying the Cyrillic alphabet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzChuuv the Cyrillic alphabet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2X5ydw92Ds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOX7Es https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XLpmP http://www.russianforeveryone.com/Alphabe Cyrillic alphabet quiz http://www.funtrivia.com/playquiz/quiz27102 Cyrillic alphabet game http://www.purposegames.com/game/a24ccf related sites http://www.ukindia.com/zip/zru1.htm http://masterrussian.com/blalphabet. http://learningrussian.net/russian_alp https://quizlet.com/355386/russian-alp http://www.practicerussian.com/Tests |
the French connection the Russian royal family spent their summer holidays in Southern France http://www.angelfire.com/pa/ImperialRussian this helps explain the many French words in the Russian language, .русский язык русский (adjective, nominative case, masculine, singular) 3 syllables: Русс'-ки-й .pronounced rooss'-kee-ye (the oo in pool) .meaning Russian язык (noun, nominative case, masculine, singular) 2 syllabes: я-зык' .pronounced yah-z(e-ee)k' meaning language, tongue Examples - the French word for poster: affiche In Russian, it's афиша. 3 syllables: аh-фи'-ша pronounced ah-fee'-shah Notice - the ш pronounced sh - the French word for wardrobe: garde-robe In Russian, it's гардероб. 3 syllables: гар-де-роб' pronounced gar-de-rohb' (short-e in her) Notice - the г pronounced g - the д pronounced d - the |