Exceptional Person
![]() Viking
have a Swedish
Viking family name:
Selin (pronounced: say'leen) Métis
my maternal
grand-father, Émile Desjardins,
was a Métis from Cornwall, ON - his son, Serge, adopted a 1st Nations pre-teen girl, Marci-Anne, who is one of the missing 1st Nations women - my maternal grand-mother, 1st Nations, one of 24 children, Dora Piché, was a trapper (Her tribe was moved by the Catholic Church from the Island of Montreal to the other side of the the Ottawa River across from Hawkes- bury, ON) - my paternal step-grandmother, Monica Carrier, from St-Vital (Winnipeg) was Louis Riel's grand- daughter: she had me become an altar boy at the age of 10 at Nassau Lake when the Mass was in Latin (The name of my Finnish grandmother was Karen Kortti, dead before my birth.) Family
father of 3
- grandfather of 5 grandchildren - left home at the age of 18 - oldest of 7 children: 3 boys+4 girls - my grandfathers were *jobbers*: they hired lumberjacks - my mother worked (with her dad+brother) as a lumberjack from the age of 13 to 18 - outside of Atikokan, ON (She was born in Pukaskwa National Park by Lake Superior.) - my mother started her high school through correspondence, finished her high school with Canada Manpower+went to Nipissing University, North Bay Businessman
![]() Political Leader
created Canada’s
party, theÉ(eh)PC, the Égalité (eh-gah'-lee-teh) Party of Canada, August 5th 2001 Unionist
did the Public
Service Alliance of Canada
(PSAC) Union Steward Course (though unemployed), March, 1985 - got the union, Public Service Alliance of Canada Public Service Alliance of Canada, (PSAC), on Parliament Hill - by myself - with union organizer, Yolande Viau, 1984 Country Boy
spent my 1st 14
years in a French-speaking
(Old French dialect spoken in the Abitibi, North-Western Quebec, my mother's tongue) lumber village (with 3 gravel streets) at Nassau Lake, *The Camp*, (35 miles west of Hearst) owned by my grandfathers's company, Henry Selin Forest Products, the largest privately lowned lumber business in Northern Ontario, the main employer in the region, whose technology was 10 years ahead of its times producing 0.5 million lumber feet a year. (My Dad was vice president.) (My grandfather was a teenager when he came with his family from the middle of Sweden to Canada.) Education
15 years of
full-time university+3 years
part-time+1 year of full-time college - worked 9 years full-time while attending university full-time - completed 5 university degrees - in the top 5%: B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) magna cum laude - completed almost 5 other university degrees: in education, philosophy, classical studies, linguistics+German - did my universities in English+French - have an office automation college diploma with an A average from the Control Data Institute, Ottawa - have a French software troubleshooting college certificate with an A average from La Cité collégiale, Ottawa - am multilingual: studied 11 languages at university with B.A.(Spanish)+ B.A.(Italian) - was an honoured guest at the inauguration of the University of Ottawa B.A. Arabic programme, February, 2006 (Before leaving the hall, the 3rd year student who gave her speech in Arabic was intentionally brought over to me so I could speak to her.) - completed my Grade 13 in a French high school, École secondaire Algonquin, North Bay - was the sole high school representative of Schollard Hall, (North Bay), in the Young Voyageur Program, 1971: spent a week on Vancouver Island - was the poor boy whose mother was a widow with 7 children living on the other side of the tracks in West Ferris in North Bay: when the arrogant+pretentious rich boys at Schollard Hall asked for my bus money, I immediately gave it to them unquestioningly+walked 6 miles home determined to do better than them - in the long run - was an altar boy for 8 years: served Mass in Latin, French+English - was taught in Grade 2 by the last surviving member of the Romanov czarist family, the Grand Duchess OlgaAlexandrovna of Russia, in 1960-61 at Hearst Public School in the church basement at the end of the block: she wore plain, dark unicoloured dresses+ limped Job Experience
did 100+
jobs ...
---> 9 years part-time at University of Ottawa: - barman - handyman - receptionist in the residences - security guard at the University Centre+the dances on campus ---> 85+ jobs in 25+ Gov’t departments ---> worked in call centres doing ... - telemarketing+surveys - Internet+cable modem+Compaq Presario PC troubleshooting - Chief Senate of Canada Page - when Joe Clark was Prime Minister - was the only Senate of Canada page chosen to meet Prince Harry along with the athletes of Canada at the Governor General's Residence at Rideau Hall, Winter, 1977 - in Grade 13 worked at 2 part-time jobs at North Bay's Odeon movie theatre as usher+weekend janitor - in Grade 12, I walked 1 mile to shovel snow around Holy Name Church, the rectory+the garage; then, I shovelled the driveway of one of the parishioners a block away before going to my Catholic private boys’ school, Schollard Hall - 5 miles away High-tech
modem+Compaq Presario troubleshooter - publication of my letters to the editors of Canadian+U.S. high-tech magazines Military Experience
worked at the
National Defence
Headquarters - did booth camp training at CFB (Canadian Forces Base) Petawawa, ON Intelligence
45 years
- volunteer - Cold War veteran: received a personal *last minute* invitation (shortly after becoming Chief Page in the Senate of Canada) to meet Mr. Gorbachev who was with 2 other persons in the Senate of Canada Reading Room, June 1980 - helped end the war in Lebanon, February, 1989 - saved President’s Arafat’s life from Ottawa, Dec. 13th 2001: this put me under really *severe* RCMP surveillance China
- I met the
first students from China in 1975 who came to - Carleton University and to the University of Ottawa the - following year: over the years, I made friends with agents - of the Ministry of State Security. - Consequently, I've had a good relationship with the Gov't - of China. - SEE: EH-OK.ca#Mcdonalds - Date: November 23rd 2013 - Subject: "BOYCOTT the Toronto Eaton Centre: I - was *BANNED* FOR LIFE @McDonald's - there - thanks to CIA agent, SONAM," - says É(eh)PC President/Party Leader - THE RESULT: five (5) months after this GOOGLE NEWS - THE RESULT: posting, in April 2014, the Russians close - THE RESULT: all four (4) McDonald's in Moscow. - THE RESULT: theguardian.com/world/2014/aug - Russians React to McDonald's Closures in Moscow - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJps3eglbSU - NOTE: the CIA manages the (8) Toronto - downtown McDonald's. PART 2
- The
CIA since the 1950s tried to find a way to come into Canada: 45,000 CIA agents came as draft dodger. The first CIA African-American, James Williams, from Georgia, worked as a Toronto undercover cop and contributed to the creating the MULTIBILLION DOL- LAR Toronto Police Drug trafficking Network run by the American Hells Angels: Canada's network of il- legal, highly paid, undercover cops (to which *All* the Police forces in Canada contribute manpower to) is its backbone. These treacherous cops even frater- nize *knowingly* with the CIA and the American Hells Angels. (TREASON by *ALL* our over-paid Police forces.) A side note: the Mexican federales have imi- tated the Toronto Police Drug Trafficking Network for some time already (without the CIA and the American Hells Angels). The American Hells Angels run the City of Toronto and get *ALL* all the City of Toronto contracts. This finances the largest CIA community in the world in Toronto: 85,000+ ethnic agents, the majority of whom are African-Americans (claiming to be from Jamaica or from Trinidad and Tobago) followed by Filipinos. They also include homosexuals, First Nations, Latin-Americans, and Cajuns (claiming to be from New Brunswick). THEY ARE CLEARLY A PRE-INVASIONARY FORCE. NOTE: the USA has a military base in the State of New York for the invasion of Canada. The drug trafficking started at Seaton House (run by African-American CIA agents) in the early 1970s. U.S. President Obama on the Seaton House 4th floor wall https://www.youtube.com U.S. flag in the office on the Seaton House 4th floor https://www.youtube.com Where the CIA has the most property in the world is in downtown Toronto: restaurants, bars, apart- ment buildings, hotels, book stores, tatoo shops, McDonald's, A&Ws, Wendy's, Starbucks, ... . Their agents include Toronto City Hall workers, city workers, librarians, doctors, nurses, Catholic priests, African-American preachers, preachers in front of the Eaton Centre, bums on the street, electricians, plumbers, carpenters, .... . The American Hells Angels run 25 cities in Canada just like Toronto: London, Kitchener-Waterloo, Lethbridge, Cranberry in B.C., etc. The American Hells Angels now run *ALL* Toronto colleges and universities including a hospital in the west end. Plus, the American Hells are successfully taking over Bay Street Organized Crime that get *ALL* the Gov't contracts. The CIA runs Toronto Housing: this allows for CIA agents to come into the shelter system and wait to get the best, refurbished, subsidized housing. The CIA also owns and runs Ryerson University (which has a very large contigent of CIA stu- dents especially Arab-speaking Muslim stu- dents) as well as the Toronto Star whose re- porters are CIA agents who like to denigrate Canada whenever they can between the lines and report on U.S. matters that do not concern Canadians like the U.S. President and his wife. All this strongly suggests that the Toronto Chief of Police is very likely a CIA agent: his "vague" resume seems to be a PR (public relations) job. The É(eh)PC is the only political party committed to sending back to the USA all those born in the USA or who came from the USA. Winner
won the
Christopher Leadership pin
- received the Embassy of Italy Award for the highest standing in Italian - won the Chess trophy+ Lion's Club Melvin Jones trophy for being nice, Hearst Public School |