to Live"
"Love What U Have!"
"Present Moment ... for the Future!"
"Dream with everything you have"
"were perfect in our imperfections" ♥
"happiness is not a fish u can catch"
"~Pull strength from your inner self!~"
"Lead A Life Worthy Of Your Calling ..."
"The Only Way To Have A Friend Is To Be One"
"do or do not,
there is NO try."
"there is no sin
except stupidity."
"Make a sound
that will echo through time."
"Think Positive
And Positive Things Will Happen!"
"Present Moment ...
for the Future!"
"Just cause you live,
it doesn't mean your alive."
"Nothing is surer than
that everything will change."
"..::listen to an angel sing,
listen to the joy it brings::.."
"Thoughts become things,
so choose the good ones!"
"Screwing up now and then
is just part of life ... ."
"Nothing is a waste of time
if you use the experience wisely!!!"
"You Were Born An Original,
Don't Die A Copy."
"Peace comes from within
Do not seek it without." - Buddha"
you think of yourself
is what will become of you."
"Just because something good ends
doesN'T mean something better woN'T begin."
"You can turn your back on a person,
but never turn your back on a drug."
"We've Been Desensitized By The Lies Of The World;
Opressed And Impressed By The Greedy. "
"Always remember someone out there is suffering
more than you are ...
put things into perspective."
"If I find in myself a desire which no experience in
this world can
The most probable explanation is that I was made
for another
world." - C.S. Lewis
"Destroy Poverty ...
become ONE with society ...
but do NOT conform!"
"**Love comes from a pure heart
and a good conscience
and a sincere faith!!**"
"Courage is not the absence of fear,
but rather the decision to pursue something
more important than fear."
"I shall tell you a great secret my friend.
Do not wait for the last judgement,
it takes place every day."
"We want God to change our circumstances,
but God wants to use our circumstances
to change us."
"Life's battles doN'T always go to the better
and faster man/woman,
but sooner or later the man/woman who wins
is the man/woman who thinks s/he can."
"All we have to decide
is what to do
with the time
that is given to us."
"A memory lasts forever,
never does it die ...
True friends stay together,
and never say goodbye!!!"
"Find something that will make you feel,
like everyday's too short.
We're only here for a little while.
You'd better make your mark."
"lifes like a maze:
theres always gonna be wrong turns
until you find the right path
to happiness" :D
"Beliefs are dangerous.
Beliefs allow the mind to stop functioning.
A non-functioning mind is clinically dead.
Believe in nothing ... ."
"I've never been the praying kind.
But lately, i've been down upon my knees.
Not looking for a miracle,
just a reason to believe."
"And the time will come
when you see
we're all one
and life flows on
within you
and without you."

keeps You Sweet,
Trials keep you strong,
Sorrows keep you human,
Failures keep you humble,
Success keeps you glowing,
but only God keeps you going!"
about it!!"
Life Away"
define it yourself."
*Family Above Influence*
"Beginning the long climb ..."
"Party till the sun is
rising" <
"it is the soul that matters"
are your worst enemy"
"may the Force be with you"
"Living just to find a
"....the truth will berry-stain" ♥
outs are allways the best"
"Life isn't just black and white!"
your own heaven on earth"
"make the most of what you've
"~ThE pAsT pReSeNtS tHe
cœur à réussir vient de
l'intérieur." French
"~*praise is
the overflow of a
joyful heart!*~"
Just Not Good Enough Today"
is the overflow of a joyful heart!*~"
will emerge from the wreckage of herself"
"You are
you choose to be."
would be
a mistake."
"expect nothing
"Strive for totality,
not perfection."
"Find out who you are
do it on purpose."
"Through Great
Great Reward"
"Freedom is not worth
if it does not include the freedom to make
"its more than just
the surface:
its whats lurking underneath"
"illegitumus non
let the bastards
get you down)"
"don't let fame get
to your head
and don't
let failure get to
your heart"
"Motivation is what
gets you started.
Habit is
what keeps you going.
- Jim Ryan."
"its not how many
years are in your life.
how much life is in
those years."
"When you want
something so bad in life,
whole world will
conspire to help you get it"
"Our Greatest Glory
is Not in Never Falling,
But in Rising Every Time We Fall."
"Giving up doesn't
always mean your weak:
just means that you
are strong enough to let
"Whatever you lost
through the stroke of
it was to save you
from adversity."
"Dance dances,
make romances"
"I am too
positive to be
optimistic to be fearful
determined to be defeated!"
"~ heaven is not a place you go when you die,
it's that moment in life
when you actually feel alive ~" -
"People change,
go wrong,
will happen,
life goes on"
"When you
breathe in,
all that is good in your life.
breathe out,
all that is bad."
the dark parts of yourself,
work to banish them
with illumination and forgiveness.
the pain as fuel,
a reminder of your strength."
thinking is a habit, like any other;
can practice it every day
it bcomes second nature 2 us
and along the way,
our lives."
"I love life."
"devour life."
Jesus loves you ♥
"Make it Happen" :)
"Be what you are ..."
"I belong to meee"
is a short trip" <3
"go with your flow"
"The future is now.
"the world is yours"
"only trust yourself"
"haters' gunna hate"
"Love What U Have!"
"Live Now, Die Later"
"laugh now, cry later"
"dare to be different."
"Life is short ... Sing ^^"
"choose to be happy!!!"
"beauty is in everyone!"
"En route pour l'avenir!" French
"I make things happen."
"Life, define it yourself."
"Trance Feeds my Heart"
laugh, love together"
"Beginning the long climb ..."
"Party till the sun is rising" <3
"it is the soul that matters"
"laugh all the way to death"
"....the truth will berry-stain" ♥
"Living just to find a feeling."
"may the Force be with you"
"Love, laugh and ROCK ON!!!"
"Love What You See In LiFe" <3

"Change in
all things is
sweet." -
"Life isn't just black and white!"
"♥ : tomorrow is never
bright is too slight to hold back all my dark."
"A life of honor and truth and I shall rise to Valhalla."
"I'll take you down the only road I've ever been
"sometimes the pain is what we need for us to grow."
"Never tell the truth to people who are not worthy of it."
"It's just a matter of time b4 she realizes what she
really wants ..."
"The will of God will never take you where the Grace
of God will not
protect you."
"- life,
live it-" ♥
"fake it
until you make it"
"be just
and fear not"
"No Guts,
No Glory"
"No goals,
no acheivement."
"what am i?
not good enough ...?"
c'est de faire c'qu'on aime!" French
"Real eyes
realize real lies."
"end of life
is not the end of love."
"Born-again ...
and on fire for God!!"
is your own responsibility"
"look forward,
don't look back"
"Love deeper,
speak sweeter ..."
"Never give up
on what makes you happy"
"a joyful heart
makes a cheerful face"
"you got to give
to get"
"be flamboyant,
life's short" ♥
"life is too short
to waist time not smiling" ; D
"Nuthin to loose,
everything to win"
"I don't feel alive;
But I am"
"never look back.
always forward."
"Life's a river, kid.
You gotta go where it takes you."
"Be who you are,
no compromising."

"each day's
a gift
not a given right"
"Come what may
and love it!"
"turn up the good
turn down the suck"
''my life is a song ...
and i decide the notes''
"you either love it,
or you leave it behind."
"If you risk nothing,
then you risk everything!"
"Pain is temporary ...
quitting is forever."
"Don't do anything
that you can't look at yourself in the mirror the next day"
"Dance in the rain,
ignore all the pain" <3
"Shine like da sun ;
Live like a star."
"When all else fails,
Just laugh!!"
"Fear is temporary ... .
Regret is forever."
".... What you see
depends on what you're looking for ... ."
"Je suis une artiste
et mon oeuvre, c'est moi. " French
"Life is a work of art...
you've gotta paint it colorful."
"enjoy when you can;
endure when you must"
"My days are smiling
and life is good!!"
"Sometimes it's right
to do the wrong thing"
"People need stories
more then bread itself."
"Don't let the fuckers
drag you down."
"if you argue correctly,
you're never wrong"
"Live life at the bottom
even when your at the top"
"This life is temporary,
but the soul is eternal."
"anything worth having
is worth fighting for"
"What you think of me
is not my concern"
"Hope is the antidote ✂♥
Truth is the anti-venom"
"Luv n respect yourself
and God"
"Rêve ta vie en couleur ...
c'est le secret du bonheur !" French
"Vive les choses simple,
fuck les casse-tête!" French
[Even the devil may cry
when he realizes he is all alone]
"better to do the fucking
than to get fucked!"
"Anything Worth Having
Is Worth Working Hard For. "
"I'd rather die on my feet
than live on my knees"
"If U dOnT hAvE hAtErS,
tHeReS sOmEtHiNg WrOnG."
"promises are just words
unless they are fulfilled."
"love for what you fight for,
fight for what you love"
"You're never in the gutter
with your eyes on the stars."
"you were born an original:
don't die a copy."

"it's not
how good you
it's how good you want to be"
"In life we can be teachers,
but we will always remain students."
"---Rather Stand Tall N Fall
then NOt Stand At ALL---"
"Believe in what you can do,
not what you can't!"
"The weak can never forgive.
Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong."
"Life is what you make of it!
So make it a great life!"
"In order to be irreplaceable
one must always be different.” - Coco Chanel
"Life is a mystery to be lived,
not a problem to be solved." - Soren Kierkegaard
"le futur n'est pas le présent.
donc, il reste de l'espoir" French
"How many people u blessed
is how u measure success ... ."
"♫ "trust takes years to build,
but only seconds to
shatter"♫ "
"If your not living on the edge,
you're taking up too much room"
"Love isn't something you feel,
it's something you do"
"Adversity is the diamond dust
that heaven polishes its jewels with."
"It is when you give of yourself
that you truly give."
"A positive heart is all you need
to rise beyond and succeed"
"Even through the darkest days,
this fire burns, always."
"Life is either a daring adventure
or nothing." Helen Keller
"So Tell Me What Do You Expect,
Connected to Your TV Set?"
"Les grands hommes sont grands
parce qu'ils n'ont pas l'esprit étroit." French
"There are shortcuts to happiness,
and dance is 1 of them."
"&&sometimes its not loosing faith,
its realizing you've had faith in the wrong things."
"you can bomb the world to pieces,
but you can't bomb it into peace"
"Stand Up For What You Believe In,
Even In You're Standing Alone."
"Never Let The Fear Of Striking Out
Keep You From Playing The Game"
World peace through inner peace!"
"I'm not afraid of speaking my mind;
I'm just afraid of being ignored."
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow,
Learn as if you were to live forever!!!"
"It is only after we have lost everything
that we are free to do anything."
"Even if happiness forgets you a little bit,
never completely forget about it"
"Often, the search proves more profitable
than the goal"
"never apologize for saying what you feel.
that would be like apologizing for being real."
"Kind words can be short and
easy to speak
but their echoes are truly
endless" - Mother Theresa
"Something subtle ... keeps the mind lurking;
searching for the unfinished story"

about what could
happen in the future
focus on what is happening right now"
"life is too short to worry about what some others think of me.
i like my unique self!!!"
"The aim of art is to represent not the outward
of things, but their inward significance."
"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make
something else is the greatest accomplishment."
"the BEST and most BEAUTIFUL things in the WORLD
cannot be SEEN or even
they must be FELT with the HEART."
"My Life
My Pleasure
My Way"
".truth is,
everyone is going to hurt you;
you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for"
"Lost time
is never found
again "
"La sérénité
résulte de l'attraction
des élément positifs" French
"Live Greatly,
Laugh Hard
& Love Forever"
"Don't be easy,
if caviar was cheap,
no one would want it" - Paris Hilton
"Make Your Day
By Smiling" =]
"So much to do ...
so many people to see ...!!
I'm just so excited ...!!"
"im living my life,
im smiling,
im doing me ..."
"I have not failed,
I've just found 10,000 ways
that won't work."
"Forget the past,
live in the present
and smile when thinking of the future!!!"
"Life ends so fast
so take your chance
and make it last ..."
"to free your mind
and live in love
you need imagination!"
"When it's all over,
it doesn't matter who you were,
it's whether you made a difference."
"I aim with my eye.
I shoot with my mind.
I kill with my heart."
"true happiness comes
when you can look at yourself
& like what you see." (:
"Life is full of setbacks,
but it's how u handle them
that determines success!!" <3
"Yesterday is yesterday,
if we try to recapture it,
we will only lose tomorrow."
"It’s not about living forever,
it's about living forever
with yourself."
"SMILE like nothings wrong,
LAUGH like there's no tomorrow,
LOVE like you've never been hurt."
"Enjoy your life to the fullest ....
and do that something amazing
you're dying to try!!"

"walk like you own the
place ...
talk like you know it all ...
&& act like no one can make you fall."
"there is a world of a difference
between feeling 'happy'
and feeling 'whole' "
"if we had no faults of our own,
we would not take so much pleasure
in noticing those of others."
"The things you always thought
would make you happy
never seem to."
"Just know I chose my own fate.
I saw the fork in the road
and drove straight."
"Just when the caterpillar thought
the world was over,
it turned into a butterfly"
"everything will be okay in the end,
if it's not okay,
then it's not the end."
"Man cannot offer woman security;
he can only create a space
for her to develop it herself."
"Courage is not the absence of fear,
but the knowledge
that there is something more important than fear!"
"Do not go where the path may lead,
go instead where there is no path,
and leave a trail."
"You don't just stop loving someone:
either you never did
or you always will."
"don't be who everyone wants you to be.
be who you are
cause that's the most beautiful person you can be!" ♥
"Giving up doesn't always mean your weak,
it just means that you are strong enough
to let go."
"It's not the strongest of species that survives
nor the most intelligent ::
rather the one most responsive to change."
"If the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence,
maybe yours needs a little more tending ...
"Life is a gift –
Experience It,
Embrace It,
Enjoy It!"
"I love music ...
and me.
'Cause those are
the 2 best things in life."
*Some Times,
All We Have To Do
Is Breathe ...
And Let Go ... .*
"Trade your guns,
Fire with doves,
We fight for love,
Peace will find us with harmony"
"And the day came
when the risk to remain tight in a bud
was more painful
than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin
"We've all been sorry,
we've all been hurt,
But how we survive,
is what makes us who we are ... ."
"possessed by evil hell
satan's wrath will kill
he will take your soul
cast you into hell."
«The Earth is not dying –
she is being killed.
And those who are killing her
have names and addresses.» -- Utah

"Je veux
constater le
ce qui fait que la vie nous fait voir
que tout instant peut contenir une
ou un bonheur merveilleux..." French
"take the chances you need ....
to leave your mark ....
on this planet,
we call home"
"The best way to go through life
is to expect nothing,
That way
you're never disappointed."
"... when cries for help go unanswered
and signal fires just burn and burn,
We wonder if we’re waiting
for nothing ..."
"The grand essentials of happiness are:
something to do,
something to love,
and something to hope for."
"never allow yourself to be bullied into silence,
never allow yourself to be made a victim,
accept no definition of your life ...
define yourself."
"Humans are evolving into a conscious species
capable of holding
and sharing the full light
of unconditional love."
"To look life in the face and to know it for what it is.
At last to know it,
to love it for what it is,
and then, to put it away."
"So i used to rely on other people to make me happy ...
But they kept letting me down.
So now,
my happiness is in my own hands"
"Beauty is before me,
Beauty is behind me,
Beauty is below me,
Beauty is above me,
Beauty is all around me."
"good friends are like bras:
never leave you hanging,
make you look good,
and are always close to your heart!"
"Promises Mean Everything,
But Once There Broken,
Sorry Means Nothing.
Only Actions
Count Towards Forgiveness."
"Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God.
Every moment, thank God."
"why the hell can't people just play the game
and leave the bs at home
where it belongs.
this is fun and games.
enjoy it.
don't waste time on drama and anger."
"Happiness keeps u sweet,
Trials keep u strong,
sorrows keep u human,
failures keep u humble,
success keeps u glowing,
but only God keeps u going."
"I shall pass this way only once;
any good, therefore, that I can do
or any kindness that I can show
to any human being,
let me do it now.
Let me not defer
or neglect it
for I shall not pass this way again."
"Stop the murder,
drop all your weapons.
Speak the truth
where your lies have been heard.
Life isn't a curse meant to be broken.
It's a gift
meant to be spent."
"don't ask yourself what the world needs,
ask what makes you come alive,
go do it,
because, what the world needs,
is more people to come alive"
"And the gift
is what you get
by givin'
more than you receive.
And you're learnin' fast
that maybe this
is how you'll be happy.
- So true!"
"You must understand the whole of life,
not just one little part of it.
That is why you must read,
that is why you must look at the skies,
that is why you must sing and dance,
and write poems,
and suffer,
and understand,
for all that is life."
"If we think of life as a journey
and consider it to be the opportunity
of getting from where we are
to where we want to be,
we will have a working rule
that provides us
with both
a purpose
and expanding possibilities for our lives."