The Ashley Smith QUIZ - put a line through your answer: true or false 1. The Ashley Smith story is about the world's longest case solitary confinement of a teenage girl in prison: true or false? 2. The Ashley Smith story is about reckless, financial abuse by our CROOKED FASCIST "law and order" Police state officials (the prison officials, the Police, and the judiciary) that unfairly bled the taxpayer: true or false? 3. Ashley was kept in solitary confinement for 6 years and 239 days (4.2 months): true or false? 4. HOW did Corrections Canada keep Ashley Smith in tiny solitary confinement cells in 17 prison over 6.4 years? By laying 501 "institutional" DISCIPLI- NARY CHARGES: true or false? 5. WHY did Corrections Canada do it? FOR THE MONEY. It allowed the members behind our CROOKED, Free-masonic-run "law and order" FASCIST Police state SYSTEM (the Police the judiciary, and those in our prison system) to MAKE EXTRA WORK (EXTRA MONEY) for themselves. Every one of the 501 institu- tional charges meant that she had to be brought to Court in order to be formally charged. This involved the Police, prison guards, prison offi- cials, lawyers, judges and it all needlessly cost the taxpayer a lot of money: true or false? Note: with the E(eh)PC unnecessary Gov't spending will be a criminal offense. 6. The costs of her incarceration were HUMON- GOUS! There is the $200,000 per year cost of her icarceration: 6.4 years x $200,000 = $1.280 MILLION The cost of her inquest: $3 MILLION To have her abuses kept secret the Gov't spent $3.6 MILLION The estimated cost of her court appearances for each of the 501 institutional charges Police, judiciary, prison system costs): $10,000 (a *LOW* guesstimate) x 501 = $5,010,000 $1,280,000 $3,000,000 $3,600,000 +$5,010,000 =========== Total "estimated" cost to the taxpayer: $12,890,000 =========== true or false? 7. Corrections Canada "deliberate" inhuman, heartless treatment of Ashley Smith clearly and without any doubt contravened Section 12 of the Canadian Charter Rights and Freedoms whereby the Gov't promises to keep us from cruel and unusual pu- nishment: true or false? 8. The length of her stay in solitary confinement qualifies as a crime against humanity: true or false? 9. She was locked up 23 hours a day in a TINY, WIN- DOWLESS, 6' x 9' solitary confinement CELL with just a steel bed: NO mattress, NO pillow, NO sheets, NO privacy (because a surveillance camera monitored everything she did); she was forced to wear a THICK, tearless, heavy, padded, asbestos, security GOWN in SHACKLES with the LIGHTS ALWAYS ON: true or false? 10. She'd get only FOUR (4) SQUARES of toilette paper AT A TIME to use: true or false? 11. Ashley was charged for throwing crab apples at a postal worker: true or false? Note: with the E(eh)PC teenagers will NOT go to jail, but receive psychiatric treatment providing it's warranted. Note: 25% of the 55,000 inmates in some 200 jails are teenagers who are NOT in school. 12. Ashley was adopted: true or false? 13. Ashley was "probably" A FIRST NATIONS CHILD or METIS: true or false? 14. Her treatment by our FASCIST Police state starting with the laying of charges for thowing a few crab apples at a postal worker till her death in prison after 6.4 years in solitary con finement in 17 prisons was more than likely motivated by unbridled racism: true or false? 15. Ashley said that she was raped many times in prison and that the rapes were videotaped. She promised to talk about it once she got out of jail: true or false? 16. Ashley lived in Muncton, New Brunswick, with her adoptive mother: true or false? 17. According to her adoptive Mom, Ashley was a "delightful" child: true or false? 18. Ashley went to prison for breach of probation at the age of 13: true or false? 19. Ashley died in prison at the age of 19: true or false? 20. Ashley was A BIG, 5'8" GIRL who weighed 260 lbs. when she died in prison: true or false? 21. Ashley spent time in 17 prisons always in solitary confinement: true or false? 22. She was sent to psychiatric prison hospitals: true or false? 23. She was forced "against her will" to to psychotic drugs: true or false? 24. Until her death Ashley maintained her good- natured disposition and quiet smile: true or false? 25. Corrections Canada maintained that she was a mental case without citing what alleged men- tal illness she was afflicted with: true or false? 26. Corrections Canada maintained that she re- peatedly strangled herself daily from day one when she entered the prison system without provding any video evidence though she was under video surveillance 24/7: true or false? 27. The E(eh)PC will create the Ashley Smith Museum across from Parliament Hill in Ottawa and tell the complete story of Ashley Smith and all those who betrayed her will be featured on the Ashley Smith Wall of Shame: true or false? 28. By virtue of The E(eh)PC Ashley Smith anti-FASCIST Law, all those who dealt with Ashley Smith during her 6.4 year incarceration in tiny solitary confinement cells in 17 prisons will be DISMISSED from Gov't and do two (2) years in jail for being accessories to murder: true or false? The correct answers are to be found at the end of the Asley Smith QUIZ Web page: