Are we headed for another Financial Crisis? 9 -------- 20 For quite some time, we've been in recession as MORE + MORE PEOPLE have LESS + LESS MONEY to spend creating REDUCED BUSINESS HOURS forcing employees to work REDUCED HOURS. This is THE TREND for years to come creating A NEGATIVE STOCK MARKET TREND. Ken, Toronto, CANADA @vietnamvet4533 Really and who are these people? I see don't see any of them when a board a plane that is packed, head to a casino where they can't get the C note out of their pockets fast enough. How about all that are heading to Europe this year, how about all those cars on the road, how about all the restaurants packed. Stop listening to these gloom and doom YouTubers, we are swimming in money. @vietnamvet4533 You're A JOKER - for sure! Ha! Ha! For YOU all is well: THE STATUS QUO is fine. DREAM ON! Quit drinking tiquilas. WAKE UP! LOOK AROUND. START with San Francisco THAT SMELLS LIKE PISS. Soon, ALL the USA will SMELL LIKE PISS. Janet Yelden needs $1.4 TRILLION to keep the Gov't AFLOAT. And SHE WON'T GET IT. (Ha! Ha!) It's THE END for the USA. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA