856 ------- 1,380 ------ 1,855 This is THE MOST COHERENT, IMPRESSIVE, PASSIONATE SPEACH I'VE HEARD from any BLACK AFRICAN LEADER. His POINT that LEADERSHIP IS ESSENTIAL is so true. Obama in Ghana said THE CONTRARY: what Africa needs are STRONG DEMOCRATIC INSTITUTIONS, NOT strong leaders. This leads me to believe the USA does NOT love Africa, but I do. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA @prophetfrightonkaonga7837 That our Zambian president soo proud of him 2,246 @kenselin @prophetfrightonkaonga7837 What we keep hearing from "hostile" Commonwealth BLACK Africa (very different from their friendly francophone counterparts) is this empty, silly, nauseating, Mugabe (AFRICA'S GREATEST ANTI-WHITE RACIST who set the anti-racist tone for Commonwealth BLACK Africa), pointless refrain of WE WILL NOT LET OURSELVES BE COLONIZED AGAIN! What? They have NOTHING ELSE TO SAY that is "noteworthy" besides that? Please. HOW SILLY! Plus, these African racists believe that is you're NOT BLACK you do NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to criticize them. HOW SILLY IS THAT! This anti-WHITE NOTION is based on the RACIST AFRICAN-AMERICAN NARRATIVE that THE WHILE MAN stole African from THE BLACK MAN when"factually" Africa did NOT belong to anyone as IMMIGRATION was "TO" AFRICAN NEVER "FROM" Africa from NORTH-EAST to SOUTH-WEST + from the ARABIAN PENINSULA as navel navigation allows for this. AN ASIDE TO THIS is now the African-American belief that BLACK AFRICANS reached the Americas LONG BEFORE Columus: THE ATLANTIC CURRENTS DOES NOT MAKE THIS POSSIBLE. THE IRONY IN ALL THIS: BLACK AFRICA allows U.S. "ANTI-BLACK racist" Gov't officials, RACIST because the KKK Freemason run the U.S. Gov't Administration. They SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED into any BLACK AFRICAN NATION "until" that wicked, vicious, KKK organization is OUTLAWED "for good" by the USA. GIVEN THIS AS A BACKDROP, I find the President of Zambia SO VERY REFRESHING! NOW, I'm LOOKING FORWORD to A BLACK POPE before I die. :D I'm already 70 years old. (Ha! Ha) LET ME EXPLAIN HOW GREAT AFRICAN REALLY IS? After spending TWO YEARS on African soil, CIDA (Canadian Internation Developmen Agency that I had THE GOOD FORTUNE TO WORK FOR in charge of their reception + orientation programme for CIDA trainees) officials "ALL" underwent A PERSONALITY CHANGE: THAT'S THE MIRACLE OF AFRICA. I'm HAPPY TO ADD, my daughter, Maria, helped to build latrines in Benin at the age of 18 through a French Catholic agency: SHE TOLD ME SHE HAD A WONDERFUL TIME + had the photos to prove it. She had AFRICAN CLOTHES made for her + had her hair styled THE AFRICAN WAY. She informed me that young BLACK guys would fall asleep in the afternoon BECAUSE they had malaria. I'M SO PROUD OF HER. GOD BLESS Africa + THE JOYOUS BLACK AFRICANS. Ken, Toronto, CANADA