Newly-elected Vietnamese leader To Lam chose China as the destination for his first foreign trip. This undoubtedly represents a significant setback for the US's efforts to leverage Vietnam to contain China. No wonder the Western mainstream media are once again resorting to sarcasm when discussing Sino-Vietnam relations. 712 views -------------------------------------------------------------- 1K 55 comments --------------------------------------------------------- 104 FOR THOSE NOT WANTING TO BE ECONOMICALLY "constricted" in the coming decades, RUSSIA, CHINA, and VIETNAM are the places to be. VIETNAM has been doing - ECONOMICALLY SPEAKING - "amazingly well" thanks to foreign investment - from South Korea in particular. AS A STRONG PARTNER OF CHINA, VIETNAM CAN LOOK FORWARD TO SPECTACULAR ECONOMIC GROWTH as the GDP of South Asia - as a whole - keeps going up in good part to infrastructure being built by CHINA. THAT PART OF THE WORLD will "rise and shine" THANKS TO CHINA. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA