287 ------- 586 Talking about THE UKRAINIAN OFFENSIVE is the height of hilarity. (Ha! Ha!) THE AMERICANS "took over" the Ukraine as of 2014 + "pushed" for this war + they're "pushing" for WW III. ON THE WAR FRONT, The Ukrainians are going BACKWARD + THE RUSSIANS, FORWARD. AND THAT'S what Moscow wants. :D THIS WAR is making President Putin AN "unparalleled" NATIONAL HERO while making the USA look "sobloody weak": IN THIS CONFRONTATON, the Russians come out ON TOP with the "humiliated" Americans on the bottom. THE KING OF THE HILL, THE WORLD SUPER POWER now is ... drum roll, please ... Russia. (Ha! Ha!) THE RUSSIAN ECONOMY now is STRONGER THAN EVER; THE AMERICAN ECONOMY, "weaker" than ever. Let's all SOB FOR THE - POOR - AMERICANS. (Ha! Ha!) AND FOR all NATO countries who are pouring MONEY - THEY DON'T HAVE - INTO THAT BIG, BIG SINK HOLE ... called the Ukraine. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA