463 ------ 749 ------ 813 ----- 817 THIS IS JUST "MORE" PROPAGANDA NONSENSE. Like the USA, Ukraine's MASTER, Ukraine is DELUSIONAL to the core. The Ukrainians, like their U.S. MASTER , are IN A STATE OF SHOCK. ALL NATO COUNTRIES are paying A TREMENDOUS PRICE for a war that could have "readily" been avoided. NATO's new office in Japan STRONGLY INDICATES that it's PUSHING FOR WORLD WAR 3. THE "brave" RUSSIAN initiative in the Ukraine SERIOUSLY "DAMPENS" NATO's PUSH for a THIRD WORLD WAR on the Russian front in the West + on the Chinese front in the East. This is A GAME OF DOMINANCE. Who is going to be King of the Hill: the "overly" indebted NATO counties or THE ECONOMICALLY STRONG DUO: Russia + China? THE ANSWER lies in THE QUESTION: WHO HAS THE MONEY TO GO FORWARD? NOT the near backrupted countries of NATO - that's for sure - especially when WINTER ROLLS ROUND + THERE ARE HUGE PROTESTS in the streets. (Ha! Ha!) NOT TO MENTION a FALLING U.S. DOLLAR. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA