=======================================================> Video unavailable. 135,222 views 445 comments U.S. POLITICS have always been about the personalities of the politicians making them out to be holier than Mother Theresa with PR firms to "drum up" fictitious stories about how "fantastic" they are "really": their political party just wants everybody to know. :D Character is "repeatedly" emphasized - time and again. Our two (2) main political parties in CANADA have adopted THE VERY "SAME" NAUSEATING 1960s approach COMPLETELY DEVOID OF POLICY. TO HIS GREAT CREDIT, TRUMP DOES THIS ONLY 50% OF THE TIME. THE OTHER 50%, he talks policy: he makes sure AMERICANS and THE WORLD understand his thinking and his policies that embodies his thinking. TOTALLY TRANSPARENT: SURE, he uses A GOOD DEAL OF HYPERBOLE to underscore the points he wants to make. With TRUMP IN OFFICE, it will *NOT* BE same old, same old. With the DEMOCRATS, it will largely be THE STATUS QUO - until it's TOO LATE. WITH TRUMP, THERE'S A GOOD CHANCE THAT THE USA WILL PULL ITS HEAD OUT THE SAND JUST IN TIME TO START TO TURN THINGS AROUND. IT WILL BE A HAIL MARY PASS [As a Catholic, I like that expression :D] WITH THE DEMOCRATS, THEIR CONTINUED REIGN made possible by their 2nd term means THE USA IS FINISHED. ACCORDING TO THEM, THINGS HAVE NEVER BEEN BETTER FOR THE USA: EVERYTHING IS GOING ACCORDING TO PLAN. THERE IS NO CAUSE TO PANIC. Incredibly, THEIR ELECTORAL PROMISES AMOUNT TO $2 TRILLION at a time when the U.S. Gov't does *NOT*, does *NOT* have enough $$$ to keep its doors open Clearly, THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY is LAUGHING IN THE FACE OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE saying SPREADING JOY IS THE SOLUTION TO THEIR ECONOMIC WOES which according to them is NOT THAT BAD. :D HOW GAWD-AWFUL CRAZY IS THAT, eh? KAMALA WILL TAKE THE USA FROM A WAR ECONOMY TO AN "OPPORTUNITY" ECONOMY? (Ha! Ha!) (The U.S. WAR ECONOMY MADE U.S. PRESIDENTS MILLIONAIRES.) :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA