30K views ------------------------------------------ 63K 356 comments ----------------------------------- 375 Financial analysts doN'T "usually" talk about "governance", but he does. :D THAT can be summed up as military, law + order apparatus + taxation. BUT what happens WHEN THE PRESIDENT HAS LOSSED "control" of the GOVERNANCE APPARATUS because his so-called advisors have NO IDEA what is going on "in their' backyard" + are "winging it" due to A LACK A VERY SERIOUS TRANSPARENCY IN THE GOV'T APPARATUS which has THE PRESIDENT FLYING "BLIND". THE AMERICAN DILEMMA. :D The U.S. $ is about to fall: what is keeping it "up" has been the upward trend of interest rates in the USA. Powell said he will NOT INCREASE INTEREST RATES: what happened? THE U.S DOLLAR 'started" SINKING! The HIGH U.S. INTEREST RATES MEAN THE DEATH OF THE U.S. BANKING SYSTEM as it gets stuck with LOAD OF UNSALEABLE INVENTORY. THE USA is NOT GETTING the foreign investment it used to get from China + Muslim countries which translates into A WEAKER ECONOMY. THE INCREASE IN TAXES in the USA combined with the debt spending of the U.S. consumer means the GDP down the road will FLOP! For some UNKNOW REASON to mean, THIS GUY IS POSITIVE on the global economy which is GOING INTO SERIOUS CONTRACTION FOR YEARS to come (Ha! Ha!) The British POUND is "set" to NOSE DIVE right after the U.S. $ as BRITAIN has been bankrupted since the Iraq war with BREXIT aggravating the financial situation. THE FLIGHT OF FOREIGN CAPITAL due to BREXIT means BRITAIN IS A POOR COUNTRY LIKE THE USA that does NOT HAVE ONE BULLET TRAIN. BOTH NATIONS, the USA + BRITAIN, are going DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE "together" where it's DARK + COLD. (Ha! Ha!) Ken, Toronto, CANADA