7.3K views -------------------------------------------------- 36K 112 comments -------------------------------------------- 202 ABOUT CHINA, I'm happy to have met THE VERY "FIRST" CHINESE FROM MAINLAND CHINA in Ottaw in the Summer of 1975 at Carleton University: 16 people, dressed THE SAME (white blouse shirts + turquoise blue trousers), 28 years old + so happy to have a watch). AND the Gov't of CHINA has gone OUT OF ITS WAY to remind me, in Toronto, that I HAVE A VERY "GOOD" RELATIONSHIP with the Gov't of China. Incidentally, THE CITY OF TORONTO is "THE" MOST PROSPEROUS, "THE" RICHEST CITY IN THE WORLD with 250+ TOWER CONSTRUCTION CRANES: I spoke with a MEXICAN with 20 years of experience in the industry who says THE # OF TOWER CONSTRUCTION CRANES, in Toronto, is MUCH MORE THAN 250+. Interestingly, CHINA HAS A NATIONAL HERO WHOM EVERYONE KNOWS ABOUT WHO IS *NOT* CHINESE, BUT A CANADIAN from Gravenhurst, ONTARIO: Dr. Norman Bethune. That said, WHAT AMERICANS IGNORE (whether through ignorance or intentionally), is that CHINA ACTS AS "A WORLD DEVELOPMENT BANK" for Latin America, Africa, Central Asia AND South-East Asia with its NEW SILK ROAD INITIATIVE which makes it "THE" RICHEST COUNTRY - BY THE DAY! THE BOTTOM LINE IS THIS: if a country is *NOT* A FRIEND OF CHINA, it's going to be POOR! THE USA IS *NOT* A FRIEND OF CHINA. KEN, TORONTO, CANADA