42K views --------------------------------------------------------------- 52K 483 comments -------------------------------------------------------- 571 Cryto-currency was conceived as an attempt to hide your money from the Gov't preventing the U.S. Gov't from taxing a %age of it OR taking a %age outright as there has been:"steady talk" of the U.S. GOV'T arbitrarily taking the money of U.S. citizens: A VERY "REAL" FEAR FOR SOME RICH AMERICANS. HERE'S THE PROBLEM: the "market value" goes up AS LONG AS more and more people buy it. BUT ONCE IT HAS REACHED ITS "saturation point" (Its market value NO LONGER GOES UP.), THEN, ALL THE RISK IS ON THE DOWNSIDE. THEN, it becomes A LOSING PROPOSITION whereby its value becomes ZERO - FAST! WHY TAKE THAT CHANCE? TO NOT GET BURNED, STAY AWAY FROM CRYPTO CURRENCIES. ALL! :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA