35 ------------------ 60 --------------------------------- 169 ------------------ 184 COPE? (Ha! Ha!) It has NO MONEY. Businesses are GOING UNDER; AMERICANS are LOSING THEIR JOBS; the U.S. GOV'T has LESS + LESS REVENU. By the END OF 2024, the USA along with its dollar + banks holding UNSALEABLE ASSETS (resulting in LOSS REVENUE) will have collapsed. THE VERY "BIG" QUESTION on everyone's mind is this: will the Gov't shut down by November 23rd, the U.S. THANKSGIVING THURSDAY? IF SO, it means the Gov't feels THE SITUATION IS SAVALGEABLE, but that would hurt the U.S. dollar: then, THE QUESTION becomes BY HOW MUCH? THE FACT OF THE MATTER is this: THE USA IS A "POOR" COUNTRY WITH NO BULLET TRAINS + VERY FEW TOWER CONSTRUCTION CRANES. The City of Toronto has 250+ THANKS TO CHINA. :D ITS INFLUENCE ON THE WORLD STAGE IS PURELY "IMAGINARY". (Ha! Ha!) The TWO GREAT POWERS that are RESHAPING THE WORLDLY POLITICALLY + ECONOMICALLY SPEAKING are .... China + its BEST FRIEND, Russia under BRICS + the Belt Road Initiative. Ken, Toronto, CANADA