================================> Comment failed to post. ================================> Video - NOW - unavailable There is NO PROOF NOW, NOR IN THE PAST, OF FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE INTERFERENCE in the U.S. electoral process. CRAZY TALK BY AMERICANS: that's all - evidentally - THAT IS. JUST LIKE THE CRAZY TALK REGARDING ALIENS BY THE PENTAGON saying they have PROOF of alien activity that they are NOT DIVULGING. (Ha! Ha) I guess NOT! BECAUSE IT'S NOT TRUE. :D Why would there be FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE INTERFERENCE in the U.S. electoral process: where's THE BENEFIT, eh? THERE ISN'T ANY BECAUSE THE USA "no longer counts" in the internaitonal arena due to its COMPLETE LACK OF CREDIBILITY like Iraq's "mythical" mass arms of distruction which they "had to" go to war - once again - over. NOT TO MENTION A COMPLE LACK OF LIKEABILITY DUE TO ALL THOSE intentional ANTI-MUSLIM WARS. THE BOTTOM LINE IS THIS: AMERICANS ARE "BAD GUYS" AND WHO LIKES BAD GUYS? Ken, Toronto, CANADA