=======================================================> COMMENT WAS DELETED! Grüezi, DOCTOR FARBER. You like to spead of DEMOCRACY. DEMOCRACY? Where? In one, - there is 100% transparency in Gov't spending - people pay NOT MORE THAN 10% of their $$$ to the Gov't - the judicial branch is INDEPENDENT of the rest of the Gov't - there is NO GOV'T CORRUPTION. Which country is A DEMOCRACY? NOT ONE. What we have are FASCIST POLICE STATES where there is very LITTLE WEALTH DISTRIBUTION that NEGATIVELY IMPACTS THE ECONOMY and consequently, THE PEOPLE. IRONICALLY, THE BEST RUN COUNTRIES ARE FORMER COMMUNIST STATES. They are THE BEST PLACES to retire to due to ... - small governments - low taxation - little crime - VERY LOW cost of living - INEXPENSIVE restaurant meals. HORRORS OF HORRORW, In CANADA likebthe USA, SO VERY MANY GOV'T ORGANIZATIONS ARE NOW CONTROLED BY CRIMINALS including the Police, municipalities, insurance companies, hospital, Ivy league universites. In CANADA, THE AMERICAN HELLS ANGELS supported 100% by the CIA ("Largest" CIA ORGANIZATION in Toronto.) control most criminal activity AND THEY KEEP GETTING ... BIGGER + BIGGER! Our Police forces have become ONE BIG CRIME SYNDICATE involved in the Toronto Police Drug Network set up by the CIA in the mid-70s run by guess who? Yep. THE AMERICAN HELLS ANGELS. Ken, Toronto, CANADA