747 ------- 780 ------ 841 ----- 878 The U.S. economy is CONTRACTING! NO DOUBT ABOUT IT as witnessed by hugh retail + fast food restaurant closures + HUGH JOB LOSSES in the high-tech sector. The USA is going to be DOUBLED OVER with A SERIOUS CASE OF STOMACH CRAMPS - though JUST NOT YET. :D We're going to see THE DISASTEROUS EFFECTS once they're reflected in a "tanking" U.S. stock market; a "nosediving" U.S. dollar; more business close due to dwindling discretionary income: all this "just BEFORE" the 2024 presidential election with the banks throwing their hands up when A HIGH PERCENTAGE of commercial leases are NOT RENEWED resulting in banks SEEING RED + CLOSING THEIR DOORS. It's IMPORTANT TO NOTE that in a "capitalist" system there are NO GOV'T BAILOUTS as the Gov't stays out of the private sector. SO WHY does the Gov't give BAILOUTS? BECAUSE A PERCENTAGE COMES BACK to the CROOKED POLITICIANS + CROOKED BUREAUCRATS who arrange them. (Ha! Ha!) IT'S A TRUISM A LEARNED IN THE GOV'T OF CANADA OVER 25 YEARS IN 25 GOV'T DEPARTMENTS doing some 85 jobs: GOV'T BUREAUCRATS DON'T DO ANYTHING FOR FREE. :D Their concern is NOT jobs + NOR prosperity, but HOW MUCH THEY CAN GET in the way of BRIBES + KICKBACKS. (Ha! Ha!) OF COURSE, they're working "at cross purposes" to THE GOOD OF THE NATION (the public interest). Dah! CONSEQUENTLY, the nation IMPLODES: in the case of the USA, THE COUP DE GRĂ‚CE will be given JUST BEFORE THE 2024 ELECTIONS when everything comes to the fore. AWFUL TIMES AHEAD for the USA. Ken, Toronto, CANADA