50K ------- 56 383 ------------------ 402 -------------------------- 414 THAT'S A MILLION DOLLAR TERM: "the crack up boom". I've been looking for that term - for years - to explain THE MESS we got ourselves into using EASY CREDIT since the beginning of the 1970s. THE PRIME MOTIVATOR were the banks: encouraging people to BORROW so they could SPEND MORE! NOW, the banks have UNREALIZED LOSSES (bad credit losses) on their books from GRANTING TOO MUCH CREDIT which will cause them to GO UNDER in this "constrcting" economic environment as economic activity "steadily" weakens in coming years. NOW, the banks are finally "tightening" the conditions for credit: however, businesses rely "heavily" on credit for growth. LESS BUSINESS GROWTH means LESS JOB CREATION. SO WHAT HAPPENED? EVERYTHING BECAME "INFLATED": prices; consumer expectations with consumers wanting more than they could afford which became "normal" (not aberrant) behavior. (Ha! Ha!) THE YEARS AHEAD is all about BRINGING PRICES DOWN SO THEY'RE INLINE WITH REALITY: FINDING WHERE THE "REAL" (NOT THE "INFLATED" MONEY IS. Th middle class - especially - will be forced to live with 75% - LESS! THE COLLAPSE OF THE U.S. DOLLAR, (the most monu- mentous event in history) whereby THE RICH BECOME THE "NEW" POOR will go a long way to ending GLOBAL POVERTY + changing Gov't spending priorities that put THE PEOPLE FIRST! (NOT bribes + kickbacks + THE MILITARY) Those that will LIVE THE BEST are going to be those with BIG FAMILIES + THE MOST FRIENDS. Everyone will be "forced" to be nice (helpful) + play nice otherwise they will be SHUNNED! (Pused to the side.) ALL THIS WILL LEAD TO A MORE FRIENDLY, CARING WORLD where we will appreciate each other MORE! A world of NO MORE WARS, NO MORE MILITARY. We'll have PEACE IN THE VALLEY + PROSPERITY when people work together for THE COMMON GOOD which we're seeing in "former" communist countries like China, Vietnam, and Russia Ken, Toronto, CANADA