52,340 views ------------------------------------------------------------------ 134K 453 comments ---------------------------------------------------------------- 890 JAMES CARVILLE, I'm IN AWE with his political insights + his ability to KNOW THE POLITICAL GAME + THE SCORE when THE MAJORITY IN THE U.S. POLITICAL ARENA DO NOT. This guy is ALL ABOUT THE TRUTH. He's HONEST and SINCERE. AN AMERICAN THAT DOESN'T LIE: NOT too many of those. (Ha! Ha!) He says: "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is up against a wall." AND SO RIGHT, he is! :D There's THE MATTER OF THE U.S. GOV'T NOT HAVING THE MONEY TO KEEP ITS DOORS OPEN + THE IMPENDING COLLAPSE OF THE U.S. DOLLAR as the demand for U.S. T-BILLS has disappeared: all this BEFORE THE November PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS. ON TOP OF THAT, the USA is faced with A NEGATIVE GDP in the coming years as AMERICANS have NO MONEY TO SPEND beyond essentials at a time when China's GDP is "on course" to hit 5% of more + Russia's 3.5% or MORE and this FOR YEARS TO COME for these countries. Ken, Toronto, CANADA