==========================================>THIS COMMENT WAS DELETED! 514.5K views 974 comments THE GUY IS BIG LIKE A COP+ VERY TALL. NOTE: HE DOES NOT, DOES NOT, HAVE A RIFLE. WHERE IS THE RIFLE, eh? IT WOULD REQUIRE A FEW MINUTES TO SET UP "BEFORE" HE WAS READY TO SHOOT. HE WOULD, also, HAVE TO HAVE A "STEADY EYE" + A "STEADY HAND" which I sharp shooter would have, NOT A 20-YEAR OLD KID. THIS JOB had to have been done BY A POLICE SHARP SHOOTER and NOT by an "inexperienced" 20-year old kid "under pressure. The whole story regarding the shooter is TOO BIZARRE TO BE TRUE. CLEARLY. ALL THIS IS A COVER-UP by the Police + the Secret Service - in my view - just like the JFK ASSASSINATION. Ken, Toronto, CANADA