990,135 views ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.4M 12,173 comments -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15,227 THE DEBATE gives rise to THE QUESTION: who's running the U.S. Gov't? ANSWER: THE WIZARD OF OZ. Biden is THE PRESIDENT: he should have THE ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS at the tip of his fingers. SO WHAT did we get? A GUY THAT BELONGS IN A NURSING HOME. Off the cuff, he mentions 1,500 nations. Later, he starts talking about how he "reduced" his golf "handicap" from 8 to 6 and SO PROUD OF THAT! HUH? What was THE QUESTION - again? (Ha! Ha!) LOST IN OUTER SPACE - floating around in the universe. :D THIS IS A "SAD" TIME FOR AMERICANS. Biden came haltingly to the podium; held onto to it + LOOKED DOWNWARDS to the right with A "BLANK", SAD STARE. His voice was "faint" + he "slurred" his words ending often times with "uncompleted" sentences + THEN, went back to LOOKING DOWNWARDS with A "BLANK", SAD STARE. It's "AS IF" the five (5) days he spent at Camp David allegedly to prepare for this momentous event, he as put into an "induced" coma. (Ha! Ha!) TRUMP, on the other hand, held onto the podium "for dear life" with an angry scowl (or was that a pout - on his face?) was FEISTY! HE LIED AWAY like a drunken sailor: he had an answer for nearly everthing except his contribution to the infamous January insurrection + whether he would respect the election results this time around: he, intimated, YES, he would "provided" he won. (Ha! Ha!) NOTE TO THE AMERICAN VOTER: you have to vote for Donald, THE QUACK, if you doN'T want A CIVIL WAR. :D You'd swear listening to THESE TWO (2) KOOKS, old senile men, that his was an SNL (Saturday Night Live) spoof of American politics - financed by the Kremlin. NO! THIS IS THE "SAD" STATE OF U.S. POLITICAL AFFAIRS - in real time. WHERE does the USA go from here? Up hill? OR Down hill? I have to say ONE OF THE FUNNIEST PARTS FOR ME was when TRUMP said "THE REASON" he was running was to replace Bien BECAUSE BIDEN COULD NOT POSSIBLY BE WORSE for the USA: he loves the USA - THAT MUCH! He's THE AMERICAN MESSIAH. (Ha! Ha!) YOU GOTTA VOTE FOR THIS GUY ... or else ,,, the USA will FALL APART! I thought "THE REASON" he was running for President was so that he does NOT have to live UNDER HOUSE ARREST FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE! (Ha! Ha!) Ken, Toronto, CANADA