47,741 views ---------------------------------------------------------------- 54K 443 comments -------------------------------------------------------------- 579 THIS MEANINGLESS REFRAIN: "Biden is A 'GOOD' MAN." An IDIOT can be A GOOD MAN, so what? As Trump pointed out: he's NOT A CONVICTED FELON - yet! (Ha! Ha!) BUT his son - apparently - is! We'll have to wait and see how that pans out, eh? :D I must say THE FIRST LADY is great at reading the teleprompter. Which PR (public relations) firm wrote the script I have to wonder. She says she loves him (AMERICANS DON'T LIE.), BUT look at her keep her distance from him on stage. However, THE REAL QUESTION is this: HAS HE BEEN A GOOD PRESIDENT? WHAT SAYS THE AMERICAN PEOPLE? NO! 50% want to leave the U.S. NIGHTMARE behind them and MOVE ON WITH THEIR LIFE: some are happy living in RUSSIA: A SMART MOVE as THE LONG-TERM FUTURE belongs RUSSIA. :D MOST, though, go to Latin America with Mexico being THE PREFERRED SPOT - even for BLACKS who find job opportunities there. Ken, Toronto, CANADA