1,940 views ------------------------------------------------------- 28K 30 comments ----------------------------------------------------- 78 ACCORDING TO DR. BEN CARSON, former SECRETARY IN THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION, Biden is NOT MENTALLY FIT TO BE PRESIDENT. OK. Fine. BUT SHOULD BIDEN win a second term, THE "GREAT" DANGER is "THE ADVERSARIES OF THE USA" will want to take advantage of the situation ACCORDING TO HIM. QUESTION: why did these,"alleged" adversaries NOT TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF THE SITUATION in Biden's 1st term of office. THIS IS COLD WAR PROPOGANDA BABBLE that has NO FOUNDATION IN REALITY. AMERICANS HAVE TO DO A REALITY MINDSET CHECK or else their doomed to keep LIVING IN THE SELF-MADE PSYCHOTIC BUBBLE AS THE WORLD PASSES THEM BY which is THE WHOLE JUSTIFICATION FOR BRICS: a world without the USA. This "adversarial" mindset of the U.S. Gov't is THE REASON NATO still EXISTS when it should have be BURIED AFTER THE COLD WAR. No NATO, no war in the Ukraine saving the USA $200 billion (the figure given by Trump in the debate) at a tune when the USA is faced with economic collapse with businesses closing + employees losing their jobs AT A RECORD RATE! The USA is ALSO FACED WITH the collapse of the U.S. $ prior to THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION along with that of THE U.S. BANKING SYSTEM which will be stuck with loads + load of unsaleable cars, homes, commercial real estate + malls. ANOTHER BIG QUESTION: HOW LONG CAN THE U.S. GOV'T KEEP ITS DOORS OPEN when the demand for T-BILLS is DROPPING + it loses revenue due to continous businesses closures + job loss? HOW LONG? NOT LONG. In all this U.S. ADVERSARIAL TALK, it is important to note that both CHINA + RUSSIA have "repeatedly" said they want to be PARTNERS WITH THE USA. INSTEAD OF WANTING TO BE PARTNERS, the USA treats them as "adversaries" TO BE TAKEN DOWN AT ALL COST to the point of GOING BANKRUPT which is HAPPENING RIGHT NOW! It is important to ALSO NOTE hat this 'adverserial mindset of the U.S. Gov't along WITH THAT of its allies has INCREASED MILITARY SPENDING AROUND THE WORLD TO A RECORD AMOUNT $3.2 TRILLLION. THAT'S NOT INSANE? IT'S "INSANE" BECAUSE THAT KIND OF MILITARY SPENDING IS "NO GOOD" FOR THE ECONOMY as'THAT MONEY GOES NO WHERE. NO ... WHERE! Had THAT MONEY BEEN SPENT ON COMBATTING THE "REAL" ENEMY, POVERTY, THE BENEFIT TO ECONOMY WOULD HAVE BEEN A FACTOR OF 10 as that money goes from one person to another 10 TIMES! Consequently + immorally, PEOPLE ARE NEEDLESSLY DYING FROM STARVATION DUE TO THIS "UNNECESSARY" MILITARY SPENDING BY GOVERNMENNTS which is - in reality - TAXPAYER FRAUD as 1/2 THAT MONEY GOES INTO THE POCKETS OF CROOKED BUREAUCRATS + POLITICIANS by way of bribes + kickbacks. Ken,Toronto, CANADA