347 views -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.9K 7 comments ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 Brookfield Private Equity CEO Anuj Ranjan says Brookfield Asset Management SAYS he's going to step up private equity? WHAT?!! NOT in the USA - I hope - for THE FOLLOWING REASONS. The USA is A POOR COUNTRY with ZERO BULLET TRAINS. It's INFRASTRUCTURE is in need of serious repair. It's U.S. $ is about to collapse SOON. THE PIVOTAL MOMENT will be when the U,S. Gov't "admits" it NO LONGER HAS THE MONEY to keep its doors open. Its BANKING SYSTEM is about to collapse along with the U.S. $ as it gets sadlled with TOO MUCH UNSALABE INVENTORY: cars, homes, commercial real estate, and malls. By the way, THE ONLY "GOOD" BANK THE AMERICANS HAVE is CANADA TRUST TORONTO DOMINION and THAT ONE is NOW in trouble. (ha! Ha!) I say ALL THIS in the hope Brookfield Private Equity continues to be "A GOING CONCERN as my son is A POWER BROKER for BROOKFIELD at 200 Liberty Street, New York,. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA