94K views 743 comments I CONGRATULATE Danielle DiMartino Booth on TELLING THE TRUTH: the U.S. Gov't doesN'T. ITS DATA CANNOT BE TRUSTED. The whole mantra: OUR (U.S. Gov't is LYING TO US) is VERY RECENT. AND, IT'S THANKS TO Trump "repeatedly" pointing out that THE NEWS IS FAKE + THE ELECTIONS (needlessly convoluted) are RIGGED! In short, Trump "pulled back" the curtain on THE WIZARD OF OZ. :D Evidently, AMERICANS ARE "BRACING" FOR THE WORST though they doN'T know WHAT TO EXPECT. THEY SENSE IT: IT'S IN THE AIR. LIKE BACK IN THE COMMUNIST DAYS , those in COMMUNIST COUNTRIES" had to" DECODE WHAT THEIR GOV'T WAS SAYING which is what AMERICANS HAVE TO DO TODAY. IT'S EMBARASSING for Americans TO HAVE TOMBE PUT IN THAT POSITION, no? There are TWO (2) KINDS OF LIARS ... 1. the one that NO ONE SUSPECTS IS LYING (the U.S. Gov't of THE PAST) 2. the one that THE PEOPLE "KNOW" IS LYING who CANNOT BE TRUSTED with TELLING THE TRUTH (TODAY'S U.S. Gov't - Ha! Ha!) THE AMERICAN PEOPLE believed their Gov't could be relied on TO TELL THE TRUTH because IT BELIEVED IN GOD + was A DEMOCRACY: but, is it A DEMOCRACY - really? IF IT WAS, there would be 100% TRANSPARENCY in Gov't finances + ONLY 10% OF THE PEOPLE'S TAXES would go to the Gov't. PAIRED WITH THIS IDEA is that the USA is A CAPITALIST COUNTRY, BUT is it? A truly CAPITALIST COUNTRY NEITHER GIVES FREE MONEY TO BUSINESS, NOR GETS INVOLVE WITH BUSINESS: in fact, it does NOT even "regulate" business. Obviously, THE MILITARY + THE POLICE are THE TWO (2) KEY PILLARS of the American LAW + ORDER society which is "FULLY" REFLECTED IN THE U.S. GOV'T SPENDING PRIORITIES. WHAT ABOUT ORGANIZED CRIME IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR running ivy league universities + hospitals? NOT HAPPENING? THANKS TO THE FBI? (Ha! Ha!) THE EYES OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE HAVE BEEN OPENED. THE REST is simply A MATTER OF ... - PROBLEM DEFINITION - PROBLEM RESOLUTION. THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE IN THE PROCESS OF "TURNING THE DIAL": GOOD LUCK! WE, IN CANADA, HAVE THE "VERY" SAME PROBLEM, but CANADIANS are "unaware" THAT THERE IS NO TRANS- PARENCY in the Gov't finances + that CANADA is like the USA NOT a capitalist country. THE AMERICAN PEOPLE by questioning THE LEGITIMACY OF THEIR GOV'T are A HEAD OF US.. BECAUSE OF "CROOKED" GOV'T, the taxpayer are over taxed. THE PATH TO GOOD, CREDIBLE, TRUSTWORTHY GOV'T "begins" with GETTING RID OF THE CROOKS by ... 1. ensuring 100% Gov't transparency by letting the taxpayer "monitor" Gov't spending using the Internet + reward- ing those reporting "unnecessary" Gov't spending 2. making "unnecessary Gov't spending A CRIME 3. having A LEAN GOV'T THEN, THE TAXPAYER will be LAUGHING having MORE MONEY TO SPEND which translates into MORE badly needed JOBS! :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA