15K views 52 comments The economy is STRONG? They are boardering up stores in San Francisco, Sacramento, ... (The list is long.) ONLY 10 CITIES have SOME ECNOMIC GROWTH meanwhile the rest of the USA is becoming AN ECONOMIC WASTELAND with NOT ONE BULLET TRAIN. The U.S. MILITARY does does NOT have ONE SUPERSONIC MISSILE WITH A GLOBAL REACH when China + Russia do. (ALL THIS TALK OF NATO COUNTRIES PREPARING FOR WAR driven by the USA IS SO MUCH SILLY NONSENSE as it would mean a war with China + Iran as well which NATO could NOT possibly win. TIME for the USA to get rid of its military + become a neutral country, no?) Companies are CONTINUOUSLY laying off employees IN CHUNKS. People are refusing to pay their property tax in New York City. People are working REDUCED HOURS PRIOR TO BEING LAYED OFF. STEALING HAS REACHED AN EPEDEMIN LEVEL forcing BIG CHAINSTORES + ENTIRE MALLS TO CLOSE: 50 stores just closed recently IN ONE SHOT. Universtiy grads are working part-time flipping burgers. The banks are going to be STUCK with UNSALEABLE INVENTORY of regional malls, commercial restate, cars + homes because Americans can no longer make the payments: U.S.BANKS ARE FINISHED! FOOD INFLATION IS MAKING AMERICANS POOR. FOR LACK OF $$$, The U.S. Gov't will NOT be able to keep its doors open passed mid-June AT THE LATEST! ONCE IT ADMITS THAT, watch THE U.S. DOLLAR FALL + FALL FAST! BUT AS LONG AS THE U.S DOLLAR IS KEPT FROM FALLING (which is THE REASON for THE HIGH INTEREST RATES) THE AMERICANS CAN "PRETEND" that the econommy is STRONG + ALL IS WELL when it clearly isN'T. LONDON BRIDGE IS FALLING DOWN with A BIG SPASH! Ken, Toronto, CANADA