955 ------ 1,024 (Ha! Ha!) THE AMERICANS NEVER OCCUPIED THE "MORAL" HIGH GROUND. They dropped napalm on Vietnamese villages killing over 500,000 civilians after having given the French napalm to do the same in the 1950s. OVER 5,000,000 Vietnamese civilians were killed using Agent Orange when the North Vietnamese were coming in via Laos. CIA-paid death squads in the Americas who killed those fighting for SOCIAL + ECONOMIC JUSTICE. Teaching TORTURE to Latino FASCIST POLICE STATES in Waco Texas. (Peru being ONE OF THE BEST EXAMPLES.) Providing Sadam Hussein of Iraq with chemical weapons in his war with Iran. Using chemical weapons in Syria alledging that the Syrians were using chemical weapons against their own population in A U.S.- BACKED DESTABILIZATION WAR there that started with Obama's inspireted Arab Spring Uprising that started with the killing of Gadaffi in Libys that is STILL DESTABILIZED BY THE USA. THE AMERICANS ACCUSED THE RUSSIANS in Afghanistan of using cluster bombs as they're accusing (WITH NO PROOF) THE RUSSIANS of using them in the Ukraine. They provided THE ISRAELIS with cluster bombs in the Israeli war with Lebanon that was well-reported by Radio-Canada without a mention in the CBC. LET'S BE CLEAR: CLUSTER BOMBS ARE "MEANT" TO KILL CIVILIANS. ALL THIS PROVES THE BIGGEST TERROR STATE IN THE WORLD .... is THE USA which Trump has now classed as A 3rd WORLD COUNTRY with NOT ONE bullet train, a country who likes to live in the past. (Ha! Ha!) It's NOT GOING FORWARD, but BACKWARDS! (Ha! Ha!) AND the U.S. DOLLAR is FALLING. HOW LOW CAN IT GO? We're looking at 3 cents CANADIAN to ONE U.S. DOLLAR. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA