5.1K views ------------------------------------------------------------- 28K 51 comments --------------------------------------------------------- 145 LET'S BE HONEST NOW. There is NO SUCH TERM AS "over capacity": under capacity, YES; limited capacity, OK; full capacity, for sure! OVER CAPACITY, never! This is AN INVENTED PUBLIC RELATIONS TERM that allows THE AMERICANS to "control" THE TALK. You get so-called AMERICAN "INTELLECTALS" like Porter at Harvard + Chomsky at MIT who invent grandiose terms AS IF they "really" meant something without substantiating what they mean. A "serious" intellectual naturally does NOT, because it makes NO SENSE to "bamboozle" your reader or listener. HOWEVER, in the USA that's PAR FOR THE COURSE. :D All I can say is I'm glad to be CANADIAN and, NO, I don't believe in extraterrestrial beings unlike THE AMERICANS. THE PENTAGON is "ready" to receive them - though. (Ha! Ha!) NO OTHER COUNTRY is, EXCEPT THE USA: that TELLS YOU SOMETHING RIGHT THERE, doesn't it? :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA