===============================================> Video unavailable 116K views 400 comments China + Russia are NOT out to get the USA, but the USA is out to take China + Russia down. The USA took over the Ukraine in 2014 + groomed Zelinsky, THE U.S. PUPPET, to become president of the Ukraine. No NATO no war in the Ukraine. This unnecessary military conflict is BLEEDING NATO COUNTRIES DRY! They're ALL IN RECESSION due to inflation + a falling GDP for years to come resulting in the diminishing purchasing power of their citizens PROVING THAT WAR DOES NOT PAY, BUT THE USA "wanted" it dragging the other NATO countries in tow after President Putin "repeatedly" said to Macron + Shulz he would NOT ALLOW the Ukraine to be part of NATO. This conflict could have been avoided + those countries would NOT be IN RECESSION + CHINA would NOT be decoupling from the USA + the EU. The USA is now RISKING THE COLLAPSE OF THE U.S. $ "prior" to THE NOVEMBER PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. Ken, Toronto, CANADA