I understand African-Americans took over Liberia in Western Africa: they went back. How is it doing? An African-American who returns to Africa realizes he is NOT African because s/he does NOT belong to any one tribe. It is IMPORTANT TO NOTE that BLACK SLAVERY was about BLACKS selling captured BLACKS into slavery. The point of this video is to say that there is something wrong with the USA that needs to be fixed, but what is it? Problem definition leads to problem resolution. We need to define the problem well. The complacency of the American People and that of President Biden in particular is very disturbing. BOTH need to acknowledge that THE STATUS QUO does NOT work. Changes are needed to turn the Titanic around. The U.S. Gov't needs to be reduced by 75%; it has to be fully financially transparent in order to stop organized crime from running the Gov't which has been happening for some time starting with colleges and hospitals. The Gov't has to provide adequately for those who lose their jobs. The Gov't has to make post-secondary education for FREE! Workers must be provided A LIVING WAGE. The Gov't must provide FREE HEALTHCARE. NONE OF THAT IS HAPPENING. Time is running out as THE U.S. $ IS FALLING! And will FALL FASTER and FASTER if Biden sticks with THE STATUS QUO and pretends that all will turn out fine in the end, just wait and see. (HA! HA!) Ken, Toronto, CANADA