147 -------- 149 AMATEURISH! WAY TOO LONG suggesting to the average person in the street that THE WHOLE AFFAIR is NOT CREDIBLE: such an outdated, old-fashion, cliché political speech DOES NOT WORK TODAY: it's A THROWBACK TO THE PAST. :D To make reference to Magaret Thatcher (who was AN IDIOT WITH THE FULL SUPPORT OF THE MEDIA) is laughable: neoliberalism which she + Ronald Raegan (who Gorbachev found to be DANGEROUSLY STUPID that it scared him) was STUPID FROM THE GET GO! Italy is NOW the POWERHOUSE of Europe BECAUSE the Gov't "is" GREATLY INVOLVED in the private sector. Neoliberalism advocated for smaller Gov't: THAT NEVER HAPPENED. Governments, today, are BLOATED creating THE PERFECT ENVIRONMENT FOR THE CRIMINAL ELEMENT TO "THRIVE" resulting in DEFICIT BUDGETS: we know for over 15 years they have to be REDUCED BY AT LEAST 50%. THOSE SAME GOVERNMENTS claiming to be democracies have ZERO FINANCIAL TRANSPARANCY: ALL - CROOKED - FASCIST POLICE STATES. The Falkland Islands war was A WASTE OF TAXPAYERS' MONEY: the Latinos have taken over the islands. The Governor is British: so what? With 2 university business degrees under my belt, I know long-term (strategic) planning is good to have, but the day to day operation of a business making sure that it has THE NECESSARY CASH FLOW to stay afloat is THE IMMEDIATE CONCERN so that it remains to use the correct business lingo "A GOING CONCERN". The Conservative Party promising Brits that THEIR LONG-TERM FUTURE is assured by the Party (YOU JUST HAVE TO TRUST US: WE WILL DELIVER ON OUR PROMISES - JUST NOT TODAY, NOT TOMORROW. YOU'LL JUST HAVE TO WAIT + SEE.) is just LAUGHABLE. China sunk the HS2 by withdrawing its support: the Prime Minister is saying: "that was NOT a good plan anyway. We're coming up with something better that you want." AND where is he going to get THE MONEY? If a nation is NOT A FRIEND OF CHINA, it's going to be POOR! Britain is NOT! BRITISH HOSPITAL WORKERS go on strike because they're underpaid: the Prime Minister pooh-poohs their right to strike. To deal with their legitimate he plans on hiring MORE HOSPITAL WORKERS. Again, where does he plan to get THE MONEY? I have NO IDEA what he means by A "RIPOFF" UNVERSITY DEGREE: I have FIVE + ALMOST FIVE OTHERS along with 2 college high-diplomas. We NEED THINKERS, university-trained intellectuals that can clear the way ahead. China pays 390,000 of its UNIVERSITY STUDENTS to study in THE BEST UNIVERSITIES in the USA. In fact, these U.S. university- trained intellectuals are DRIVING CHINA'S SUCCESS. 20% of Brits live in POVERTY. THE WORKING POOR (earning SLAVE WAGES) make up 10% of the population. THE LABOUR PARTY is concerned about both: POVERTY + THE WORKING POOR while THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY "ignores" them. THE ENEMY OF THE ECONOMY IS POVERTY. POLITICS, TODAY, HAS TO BE ABOUT ONE THING: THE ECONOMY. The Labour Party gets it; the party in power, the Conservative Pary, does NOT! Ken, Toronto, CANADA