310 ----- 486 CONGRATS to Liverpool for hosting the Labour Party convention: it's THE CENTRE OF THE BRITISH SOCIALIST MINDSET. Politics has to be about THE GOOD OF THE PEOPLE: NOT about the establishment, the elite, the aristocracy whose attitude is one of ENTITLEMENT so well represented by THE "OUTDATED" CONSERVATIVE PARTY. The British Gov't has been "BLOATED" FOR FAR TOO LONG: it has to be SLASHED BY 75%. It's NOT in the DNA of the Conservative Party to do that. THE ROYALTY + ARISTOCRACY have gotta GO! They NEEDLESSLY DRAIN THE PUBLIC PURSE. Britain is Free-masonic-run "LAW + ORDER" SOCIETY with a CROOKED, elitest, FASCIST Police State Gov't because the Gov't has ZERO FINANCIAL TRANS- PARENCY. with Gov't decisions made in terms of BRIBED + KICKBACKS. THAT MEANS OVERTAXATION that makes everyone poorer. THE MILITARY IS A WASTE OF MONEY as THERE IS NO THREAT OF WAR ON THE HORIZON: China + India have "repeatedly" said that their military is for "defensive" purposes. PLUS, it is important to note: THE MILITARY in the "free world" is run by CROOKS who are pushing us to WORLD WAR 3. NO NATO no war in the Ukraine: it's that simple. THE BRITISH REALITY IS THAT IT'S AS BROKE AS THE USA: thank heavens there are NO RUN on the banks - at least NOT YET. Admittedly, it's on its way to BECOMING A POOR NATION due to BREXIT + NOT being a friend of China. The political party that can BEST DEAL WITH THIS TRANSITION is THE LABOUR PARTY. THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY is all for THE STATUS QUO approach INCAPABLE of effectively dealing with todays economic realities IMPOSED BY AN EXPO- NENTIALLY CONTRACTING, CANNIBILISING WORLD ECONOMY over a 30+ year period as all that accumulated debt gets paid off. TO BE SURE, things will get worse - FAST! THE LABOUR PARTY can deal with this NEW BRITISH REALITY; THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY cannot. The U.S. Gov't, economy, financial markets, banks + dollar are going to callapse by the end of 2024. In all likelihood, as thing stand now, the Brits with their pound will follow in tow. THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY wants to LOOK THE OTHER WAY. (Ha! Ha!) Ken, Toronto, CANADA