62 ------- 75 Listening to British politicians you come to realize they're A BUTCH OF AMATURES. THE IMPORTANCE OF FISCAL DISCIPLINE in a country run by CROOKS for CROOKS because the Gov't has NO FINANCIAL TRANSPARENCY is "meaningless" like the much hyped Rule of Law (a British invention along with the notion of "fair play" and "a levelling playing field". She caN'T see the elephant in the China shop: BLOATED GOV'T THAT ALLOWS THE CRIMINAL ELEMENT TO THRIVE. "GROWING THE ECONOMY" IS AN OLD, OVERUSED, OVERWORKED POLITICAL MANTRA that is meaningless UNLESS there is A VIABLE STRATEGY to do that. THE QUESTION is "WHAT" GROWS THE ECONOMY, because that is where the emphasis of the Gov't should be: APPARENTLY, NO ONE IN THE BRITISH GOV'T KNOWS THE ANSWER. THAT only spells DOOM + GLOOM for Great Britain that has been behaving like the USA in the worse way since the Thatcher days. Like the USA, Britain is faced with economic collapse by the end of 2024 (AT THE SAME TIME AS THE USA - its "reckless" buddy that likes to steer Britain in the wrong direction - encouraging BREXIT "knowing" THE TREMENDOUS HARM THE BRITS WOULD SUFFER) + its politicians are CLUELESS! (Ha! Ha!) FUNNY, but SAD at the same time. YOU HAVE TO BE JUST, PLAIN STUPID TO LISTEN TO THE AMERICANS] LIKE ALL OTHER NATO COUNTRIES DO. NO NATO NO WAR IN THE UKRAINE. The problem is A DO NOTHING, rudderless GOV'T. AND the media + religious authorities PLAY ALONG WITH THIS go-no-where Gov't. Where is the Gov't taking us? I doN'T know. Do you? NEITHER do I. ARE WE HEADED IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION? "THE ASSUMPTION" IN ALL THIS IS THAT EVERYTHING MUST BE FINE. THE STATUS QUO IS FINE. THERE IS NOTHING TO GET UPSET ABOUT. Until towards the end of 2024 when the USA collapses in every way. :D Ken, Toronto, Canada