33 --------- 79 IT'S IMPOSSIBLE to have FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY when there is ZERO FINANCIAL TRANSPARENCY + A BLOATED GOV'T (that allows THE CRIMINAL ELLEMENT to "thrive") run by FREEMASONS whose LAW + ORDER spending priorities are ALWAYS THE SAME: - THE POLICE - THE JUDICIARY - THE PENITENTIARY SYSTEM - THE MILITARY. NEITHER THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY NOR THE LABOUR PARTY plan to change those Freemasonic spending priorities. They intend - given what they said - to maintain THE STATUS QUO when THE STATUS QUO no longer works. THEY WILL JUST "TWEAK" THE SYSTEM: HOW CAN this "tweaking" SAVE BRITAIN that has been ON THE DECLINE SINCE BREXIT? It simply CAN'T. Like the U.S. GOV'T, the British GOV'T is faced with LESS REVENUE COMING IN - by the day. The ROYALS, THE ARISTOCRACY, THE MILITARY have to go. GOV'T SALARIES have to be dramatically REDUCED AT THE TOP. TURNING TO CONSULTING FIRMS to help solve GOV'T problems in exchange for BRIBES + KICKBACKS has to be STOPPRD! Those are all BADLY NEEDED FISCAL HEALTH - SURVIVAL - MEASURES the most important one being to allow the public to monitor GOV'T SPENDING in real time using the internet + financially rewarding them for REPORTING UNNECESSARY GOV'T SPENDING. ONLY, THEN, will THE SHIP BRITANNIA be able to stay afloat. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA