2.5K views ------------------------------------------------------------ 11K 12 comments --------------------------------------------------------- 50 His BIG PICTURE GLOBAL ECONOMIC ANALYSIS is "superlative". His comment THAT CHINA HOLDS ITS CARDS close to its chest as a matter of Gov't policy demonstrates HE'S PARTICULARLY SMART + AWARE. Especially, his comment regarding Deng Xiaoping. AMERICANS OVERLOOK THIS by pointing out that CHINA is - economically speaking - A DISTANT 2nd to CHINA, but is it? THE AMERICANS like to believe that. I DON'T. :D TALKING ABOUT SOUTH KOREA + Japan, THEIR PROBLEM has everything to do with A WEAK DOMESTIC ECONOMIC GROWTH due to them being LOW INCOME COUNTRIES. A SIGNIFICANT POINT that he "glosses over" is that U.S. GDP GROWTH is "driven" by DEBT (more specifically by U.S GOV'T SPENDING) in order TO CREATE THE ILLUSION THAT ALL IS WELL WITH THE U.S. ECONOMY when AMERICANS clearly SEE "ON A DAILY BASIS" THEIR PURCHASING POWER "steadily" DIMINISHING before their eyes: NOT A PRETTY SIGHT. Ken, Toronto, CANADA