@gwills9337 It can be both. Power concedes nothing, if they have to play this card it will be with the framing and support to best support themselves. @kenselin @gwills9337 Your reference to "power" is a throwback reference to MODERNISM (fron the 1500's Renaissance that adopted Roman law to THE FALL OF THE BERLIN WALL in November 1989. We are NOW in POST-MODERNISM which is all about SERVICE. The USA is OUT-OF-DATE as it's STILL STUCK in a POWER MODERNIST PARADIGM that has changed: HELLO! (Ha! Ha!) The Chinese company HUA WEI (like the rest of the Gov't of China MEGA-PROJECTS around the world THAT BENFITS HUMANITY) best epitomizes today's "SERVICE" (NOT yesterdays' POWER) PARADIGM. Consequently, everything in China (with NOTHING BUT BULLET TRAINS by the way) is NEW + PROSPEROUS. AND everything in POOR USA (with NO BULLET TRAINS) is RICKETY + FALLING APART because businesses are closing; people are losing their jobs; the Gov't is sheriously short money BECAUSE the U.S. Gov't ALWAYS INSISTS ON HAVING ITS WAY - NO MATTER THE COST, A CLASSIC BULLY. THE USA CANNOT BE OUT OF STEP WITH TODAY'S REALITY OF CO-OPERATION, COLLABORATION, AND CREATING WIN-WIN SITUATIONS FOR EVERYONE WHICH CHINA IS DOING, BUT THE USA IS NOT. Consequently, it's NOT GETTING BADLY NEEDED FOREIGN CAPITAL in terms of foreing investment + purchasers of their T-BILLS whose market has evaporated! NOT SURPRISING GIVEN THE "DELINQUENT", UNFRIENDLY BEHAVIOR OF THE U.S. GOV'T who killed Muammar Gaddafi FOR NO REASON EXCEPT HE WAS MUSLIM + considered "A MUSLIM HERO" IN AFRICAN MUSLIM COUNTRIES thanks to his "significant" investments in their countries that was MAKING A POSITIVE DIFFERENCE as well of his CHAMPION ONE AFRICAN CURRENCY + AFRICAN FASHION. It's IMPORTANT TO BE MINDFUL that POWER + THE MILITARY do NOT create jobs at a time THE WORLD IS EXPERIENCING SERIOUS JOB LOSS - for decades to come. CO-OPERATION + COLLABORATION among the Rich in the USA that benefit THE FEW living in GATED COMMUNITIES WITH ARMED GUARDS in the USA IS A DISTORTION OF WHAT IS NEEDED. LOOK AT THE U.S. FEDERAL GOV'T "SLAVE-LABOUR" HOURLY MINIMUM WAGE: $7.25. (THAT'S UNREAL!) That's 14% of the population. Then there's THE PERMANENTLY JOBLESS: ANOTHER 14% of the population. THAT MEANS 28% of the population is NOT contributing to ECONOMIC GROWTH. THAT TELLS YOU THE AMERICANS ARE SCREWED - GOOD! PLUS, prison factories ONLY PAY 13 cents/hour. ON A PERCENTAGE BASIS, there are "TOO FEW" PEOPLE WITH MONEY to keep the USA afloat. TO MAKE MATTERS WORSE OVER 10 MILLION MILLIONAIRES pay only between 2.5% to 3.5% on their income. IN CONTRAST TO "the solidly built" economies of China + Vietnam + Russia, it's ECONOMIC STRUCTURE is RICKETY! HOW CAN THE USA STAY AFLOAT? IT CAN'T. ERGO, it's DOOMED! Ken, Toronto, CANADA