561 -------- 1,012 Is this "another" Edward Snowden incident who did NOT reveal anything we did NOT ALREADY know? This - in my view - happened BECAUSE the U.S. Gov't wanted it to happen as in the Snowden case. :D It helps TO TAKE THE HEAT OFF THEIR CLOWN whom they call President who falls going up the stairs, down the stairs, while riding a bike + who likeS to say: "This is serious. This is NO JOKE!" (Ha! Ha!) This fumbling-bumbling U.S. president is NOT SERIOUS: he's A JOKE. (AND the Vice-President is always laughing LIKE A CRAZY PERSON.) WE THOUGHT TRUMP WAS BAD. (Ha! Ha!) It couldN'T get worst than TRUMP the guy who stiffed 3,000 independent contractors + had 7 bankrupcies to his credit - SO WE THOUGHT. BUT IT DID! That's THE SHOCKER. (Ha! Ha!) THIS AMERICAN CRAZINESS "CONTINUES" AT A HIGHEST LEVEL. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA