Africa's RICH HISTORY is the World's BEST KEPT SECRET. (Ha! Ha!) Ken, Toronto, CANADA 343 @YahudithYah No. Africa's true history is the world's best kept secret. The original Africans were the Indigenous Black Americans. Adam and Eve were in America long before they fled to Africa. When they left for Africa, some of their children REMAINED IN AMERICA. After getting to Africa, they settled in the Nile Valley. When Adam moved to another location in Africa, some of his children remained in the Nile Valley. They were the first Egyptians (Indigenous Black Americans). Africa was populated by Indigenous Black Americans. Indigenous Black Americans are the Original People. Africans come from us. Not the other way around. Also, many of the Indigenous Black Americans and the Israelites shipped here by the Portuguese are the SAME PEOPLE. This is what the world is hiding. They have us crying about Africa, while they have stolen all of the LAND from our original home. THAT is what they are keeping secret. @kenselin @YahudithYah UNCORRABORATED AFRICAN-American NONSENSE by A BUNCH OF UNCLE TOMS. NO ONE COMES FROM AFRICA: immigration was from NORTH-EAST to SOUTH-WEST or from the ARABIAN PENINSULA: FICTION canNOT be supported be HISTORICAL FACT. :D Ken, Toronto, CANADA