68K views 574 comments #1 U.S. CONCERN: KEEP THE U.S. $ FROM FALLING, but it will once the U.S. Gov't admits that it does NOT HAVE THE MONEY to keep its door open by mid-June - AT THE LATEST! incidentally, The HIGH INTEREST RATES have NOTHING TO DO WITH INFLATION, but evreything to do with keeping the U.S. $ STRONG. THE MOST MOMENTOUS EVENT IN HISTORY will be the fall of the U.S. dollar. Compare the U.S. cities with those of China: it's like night + day. The USA does NOT have ONE bullet train because the USA is A POOR COUNTRY: however, China has nothing but bullet trains. OUTSIDE OF 10 CITIES THAT HAVE GROWTH the rest of the USA is becoming AN ECONOMIC WASTELAND: Ameicans are selling their real estate at a lost to move to those cities. Trump has repeatedly said that the USA is a 3rd world country: AND YES, IT IS. THE SIGNS ARE THERE. Cities like San Francisco + Sacremento are being BOARDED UP! Businesses are closing in areas where they CANNOT make a profit. There have been massive layoffs + more to come. Underemployment of university grads is a very serious problems. In fact, the USA is CLOSING COLLEGES (We call them universities in Canada.) because students can NO LONGER PAY THE NECESSARY MONEY to attend colllege which is OUTSIDE THEIR FINANCIAL REACH. PLUS, the U.S. banks have TOO MUCH BAD DEBT on their books + MORE TO COME that will SING THE U.S. BANKS. ALL THIS SAYS THE U.S. ECONOMY IS CONTRACTING: it will only get worse + worse + worse FOR DECADES TO COME. Ken, Toronto, CANADA