------------------>This comment was DELETED. ------------------>SO MUCH FOR FREEDOM OF SPEECH in the USA, eh. (Ha! Ha!) 494 The COMING U.S. REAL ESTATE IMPLOSION will cause U.S. banks to GO UNDER when THE MARKET VALUE of their real estate assets (IN A VERY NEGATIVE FINANCIAL MARKET due to A STRONG NEGEGATIVE TREND) is "LESS" THAN THEIR BOOK VALUE leaving the banks holding the bag of "UNSALEABLE" ... *1. commercial real estate; 2. residential real estate forcing home owners in bankrupcy. WHAT HAPPENS to the U.S. DOLLAR which in VERY STRONG - now? It PLUMMETS! The question is HOW FAST! *People working from home during the COVID-VIRUS EPIDEMIC contributed to THE DECLIN IN REAL ESTATE VALUE: add that to the OVERALL FALLL IN ECONOMIC ACTIVITY due to "a declining economy" that has resulted in SIGNIFICANT JOB LOSSES in the retail + fast food sector. MEANWHILE, the U.S. Gov't Administration "pretends" the STATUS QUO is fine when it clearly ISN'T? How responsible is that? NOT! Ken, Toronto, CANADA