106 PLEASE LET ME SAY THIS + I think it says it all having been in the intelligence business ON THE FRONT LINE for 50 years: the intelligence agencies EXCEPT THE CIA knew I was involved in the Cold War (as a volunteer - I might add): I knew that this was A SERIOUS LIABILITY that had to be corrected so I could be a effective intelligence person. So I called the U.S. Embassy + was overwhelming surprised at the quick response of the person I talked to: I was SO IMPRESSED that I was considering of becoming an American. (Ha! Ha!) I got Texas Governor Bush's phone number RIGHT AWAY! I called his office + spoke to his assistant, Craig. NOW, here's THE KEY POINT I want to make: I knew for Craig to "bother" to listen to me - even just a bit - I HAD TO PRAISE THE USA TO THE HIGH HEAVENS which I "sincerely" did. THE OTHER POINT is this: I was sure I would have to call Texas Governor Bush A SECOND TIME just to make "really" sure that I got on the CIA radar. (Ha! Ha!) That came in handy when I was able to save President Arafat's life from Ottawa on December 3rd 2001 during Ramadan with an Isreali tank just in front of where he stayed in Ramala: he REFUSED to move. Everyone knew Sharon was out to kill him. I went to the Embassy of Israel to explain HOW IMPORTANT Arafat was to Israel. That Israel needed him. From THEN ON, the Gov't of Canada had me put UNDER "EXTREME" SURVEILLANCE. The message I conveyed at the door of Israeli embassy had to be transmitted to the apparatus who knew me BY THEN. :D President Arafat, later, was taken to a hospital in France for an ailment where he died: his death was considered suspicious by his wife. I asked my sources what would happen should the Israelis BLOW UP Arafat: ALL HELL WOULD BREAK LOOSE. AS A SIDE NOTE My University of Ottawa Arab teachers who were teaching Arabic to diplomats at external affairs where I had a chance to work) encouraged to get involved in Middle Eastern Affair. This allowed me to get involved with the Arabic-Muslim intelligence apparatus over several decades + allowed me to reduce the terrorist threat to ZERO: THAT BENEFIT SPILLED OVER TO THE USA - to be sure. ON A PARTING NOTE: Ms. Rice has MONEY. The CIA in Toronto likes to remind me I'M POOR. :D Enough said. Ken, Toronto, CANADA